Table 1.
Hospitalization and patient characteristics by AKI status in US veterans, 2009–2017
Variable | Total | 2009–2011 | 2012–2014 | 2015–2017 | ||||
No AKI | AKI | No AKI | AKI | No AKI | AKI | No AKI | AKI | |
Hospitalizations, n | 2,140,311 | 548,782 | 710,859 | 179,127 | 714,610 | 183,195 | 714,842 | 186,460 |
Women, n (%) | 122,004 (6) | 17,174 (3) | 37,209 (5) | 5254 (3) | 40,972 (6) | 5613 (3) | 43,823 (6) | 6307 (3) |
Age, n (%) | ||||||||
22–29 | 4232 (0.2) | 282 (0.1) | 552 (0.1) | 59 (0.0) | 1294 (0.2) | 93 (0.1) | 2386 (0.3) | 130 (0.1) |
30–39 | 51,803 (2) | 3905 (0.7) | 11,785 (2) | 803 (0.4) | 17,064 (2) | 1275 (0.7) | 22,954 (3) | 1827 (1) |
40–49 | 74,275 (4) | 9341 (2) | 21,654 (3) | 2713 (2) | 24,334 (3) | 2935 (2) | 28,287 (4) | 3693 (2) |
50–59 | 221,534 (10) | 44,647 (8) | 75,113 (11) | 15,616 (9) | 72,879 (10) | 14,807 (8) | 73,542 (10) | 14,224 (8) |
60–69 | 606,161 (28) | 157,212 (29) | 203,484 (29) | 50,825 (28) | 205,469 (29) | 54,236 (30) | 197,208 (28) | 52,151 (28) |
70+ | 1,182,306 (55) | 333,395 (61) | 398,271 (56) | 109,111 (61) | 393,570 (55) | 109,849 (60) | 390,465 (55) | 114,435 (61) |
Mean age (SD), yr | 70 (13) | 73 (11) | 71 (12) | 73 (11) | 70 (13) | 73 (11) | 70 (13) | 72 (11) |
Race, n (%) | ||||||||
Non-Hispanic White | 1,500,678 (70) | 357,856 (65) | 503,086 (71) | 117,846 (66) | 503,747 (71) | 120,496 (66) | 493,845 (69) | 119,514 (64) |
Non-Hispanic Black | 385,185 (18) | 123,093 (22) | 123,407 (17) | 38,495 (22) | 127,877 (18) | 40,908 (22) | 133,901 (19) | 43,690 (23) |
Hispanic | 100,029 (5) | 26,075 (5) | 28,022 (4) | 7094 (4) | 31,520 (4) | 7918 (4) | 40,487 (6) | 11,063 (6) |
American Indian/ Alaska Native | 13,045 (0.6) | 2992 (0.5) | 3922 (0.6) | 818 (0.5) | 4451 (0.6) | 1034 (0.6) | 4672 (0.7) | 1140 (0.6) |
Asian | 19,019 (0.9) | 5020 (0.9) | 5712 (0.8) | 1524 (0.9) | 6371 (0.9) | 1658 (0.9) | 6936 (1) | 1838 (1) |
Other/unknown | 122,355 (6) | 33,746 (6) | 46,710 (7) | 13,350 (8) | 40,644 (6) | 11,181 (6) | 35,001 (5) | 9215 (5) |
Baseline eGFR | ||||||||
Baseline eGFR, mean (SD), ml/kg per 1.73 m2 | 74 (22) | 63 (26) | 73 (22) | 62 (26) | 75 (22) | 63 (26) | 75 (22) | 62 (26) |
Baseline eGFR<60, n (%) | 551,439 (26) | 257,478 (47) | 192,473 (27) | 85,017 (48) | 179,168 (25) | 84,129 (46) | 179,798 (25) | 88,332 (47) |
Comorbidity, n (%) a | ||||||||
HTN | 952,322 (45) | 284,633 (52) | 302,976 (43) | 92,423 (52) | 321,636 (45) | 94,572 (52) | 327,710 (46) | 97,638 (52) |
CKD, no DM | 147,179 (7) | 88,736 (16) | 44,240 (6) | 28,041 (16) | 48,276 (7) | 29,337 (16) | 54,663 (8) | 31,358 (17) |
DM and CKD | 114,648 (5) | 84,929 (16) | 30,221 (4) | 23,494 (13) | 382,59 (5) | 28,021 (15) | 46,168 (7) | 33,414 (18) |
DM, no CKD | 411,307 (19) | 110,957 (20) | 130,039 (18) | 36,573 (20) | 138,104 (19) | 36,669 (20) | 143,164 (20) | 37,715 (20) |
No DM or CKD | 1,467,177 (69) | 264,160 (48) | 506,359 (71) | 91,019 (51) | 48,9971 (69) | 89,168 (49) | 470,847 (66) | 83,973 (45) |
MI | 61,970 (3) | 19,268 (4) | 19,007 (3) | 6002 (3) | 20,882 (3) | 6220 (3) | 22,081 (3) | 7046 (4) |
PVD | 157,595 (7) | 49,402 (9) | 49,936 (7) | 16,026 (9) | 52,878 (7) | 16,643 (9) | 54,781 (8) | 16,733 (9) |
Cancer | 40,579 (2) | 11,838 (2) | 10,738 (2) | 3213 (2) | 14,533 (2) | 4227 (2) | 15,308 (2) | 4398 (2) |
Liver | 64,460 (3) | 22,606 (4) | 12,704 (2) | 4767 (3) | 15,686 (2) | 6136 (3) | 36,070 (5) | 11,703 (6) |
COPD | 393,858 (18) | 101,899 (19) | 123,677 (17) | 32,567 (18) | 133,521 (19) | 34,391 (19) | 136,660 (19) | 34,941 (19) |
CVA/TIA | 161,232 (8) | 46,445 (9) | 52,794 (7) | 15,634 (9) | 56,623 (8) | 16,045 (9) | 51,815 (7) | 14,766 (8) |
Illness severity, n (%) | ||||||||
Surgical DRG | 898,982 (42) | 207,396 (38) | 303,204 (43) | 66,853 (37) | 302,539 (42) | 68,851 (38) | 293,239 (41) | 71,692 (38) |
AKI stage | ||||||||
Stage 1 | — | 451,427 (82) | — | 146,898 (82) | — | 150,626 (82) | — | 153,903 (83) |
Stage 2 | — | 18,375 (3) | — | 5968 (3) | — | 6422 (4) | — | 5985 (3) |
Stage 3 | — | 55,450 (10) | — | 18,306 (10) | — | 18,492 (10) | — | 18,652 (10) |
AKI with dialysis | — | 23,530 (4) | — | 7955 (4) | — | 7655 (4) | — | 7920 (4.2) |
ICU | 325,520 (15) | 122,307 (22) | 107,407 (15) | 40,493 (23) | 106,979 (15) | 40,247 (22) | 111,134 (16) | 41,567 (22) |
Mechanical ventilation | 31,700 (2) | 42,095 (8) | 11,901 (2) | 15,707 (9) | 11,649 (2) | 14,973 (8) | 8150 (1) | 11,415 (6) |
Sepsis | 46,136 (2) | 50,858 (9) | 7102 (1) | 11,466 (6) | 15,582 (2) | 17,453 (10) | 23,452 (3) | 21,939 (12) |
Vasopressors use | 156,952 (7) | 54,685 (10) | 49,038 (7) | 17,211 (10) | 53,150 (7) | 18,196 (10) | 54,764 (8) | 19,278 (10) |
LOS, mean (SD) | 6.1 (17.9) | 11.2 (24.9) | 6.6 (19.1) | 12.3 (27.3) | 5.9 (17.4) | 10.9 (23.8) | 5.8 (17.1) | 10.3 (23.4) |
Data are for hospitalizations. Characteristics of patients with multiple hospitalizations during the study period are represented more than once. HTN, hypertension; DM, diabetes mellitus; MI, myocardial infarction; PVD, peripheral vascular disease; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CVA/TIA, cerebrovascular accident/transient ischemic attack; DRG, Diagnosis Related Group; —, not applicable; ICU, intensive care unit; LOS, length of stay.
CKD includes eGFR<60 ml/min per 1.73 m2, urinary albumin-creatinine ratio >30 mg/g, or International Classification of Diseases, ninth revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) or International Classification of Diseases, tenth revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) code for CKD in the 365 days prior to admission. All other comorbid conditions are defined according to corresponding ICD-9-CM or ICD-10-CM codes.