FIG 2.
Ejection of a single cell into liquid medium for cultivation. (a) The LIFT chip coated with agar layer. (b) PCR tube cap with 40 μl liquid culture medium (40% D2O). (c) Ejection process. (d) Liquid culture medium was transferred into a tube containing 1 ml liquid culture medium (40% D2O) and cultured after 12 h. (e) Division into 5 groups for OD600 tests (Cytation 5; Biotek). (e1) Liquid culture medium (40% D2O) only; (e2) blank control, ejection within the cell-free area as negative controls; (e3) experiment group, with ejection 1 single bacterial cell into the cap; (e4) control group, bacteria without ejecting. (f) OD600 of JM109. (g) OD600 of yeast.