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. 2022 Feb 8;19(2):e1003896. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1003896

Table 5. Sample size determination and target difference justifications for all trials and those with primary or coprimary PROs.

Characteristic Frequency (%)
Trials with PRO as primary/coprimary All trials
Was a sample size or power calculation provided?
 Yes, based on primary or coprimary outcome
 Yes, based on other outcome
N = 144
122 (84.7%)
4 (2.8%)
18 (12.5%)
N = 415
358 (86.3%)
15 (3.6%)
42 (10.1%)
When a sample size or power calculation was provided for the primary outcome, was the target difference justified?b
 Standardized effect size
 Patient/stakeholder consultation (“opinion seeking”)
 Review of the evidence base
 Pilot study
 Authors specified difference was important

 Target difference not justified
 Calculated power based on available sample size
 Target difference not specified
N = 117 a N = 358
71 (60.7%)
6 (5.1%)
5 (4.3%)
20 (17.1%)
8 (6.8%)
16 (13.7%)
31 (26.5%)
1 (0.9%)

46 (39.3%)
39 (33.3%)
4 (3.4%)
3 (2.6%)
187 (52.2%)
6 (1.7%)
5 (1.4%)
25 (7.0%)
18 (5.0%)
49 (13.7%)
100 (27.9%)
7 (2.0%)

171 (47.8%)
151 (42.2%)
15 (4.2%)
5 (1.4%)
When a sample size or power calculation was provided for the primary outcome, what type of target difference was used?
Both important and realistic
Not specified or unclear
N = 117a N = 358
18 (15.4%)
37 (31.6%)
12 (10.3%)
50 (42.7%)
39 (10.9%)
132 (36.9%)
20 (5.6%)
167 (46.6%)
When a sample size or power calculation was provided for the primary outcome, was it adjusted for attrition?
Other or unclear
N = 117a N = 358
72 (61.5%)
44 (37.6%)
1 (0.9%)
157 (43.9%)
197 (55.0%)
4 (1.1%)

aTrials with coprimary clinical and PROs but where the clinical outcome was used to determine the sample size (n = 5) and trials presenting sample size calculation on an outcome not clearly identified as primary (n = 4) were excluded.

bMore than one method may have been used within one study.

PRO, patient-reported outcome.