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. 2022 Feb 8;17(2):e0263650. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0263650

Table 1. Characteristics of women interviewed during the Malawi Demographic and Health Surveys conducted between 2004 and 2016.

Characteristics Total 2004–5 2010 2015–16
Number % Number % Number % Number %
Total 26386 100.0 6012 100.0 10802 100.0 9572 100.0
Age group
    15–19 2671 10.0 602 9.7 997 9.0 1072 11.3
    20–24 8212 31.4 2081 35.4 3118 29.4 3013 31.3
    25–29 6542 24.9 1486 25.0 2903 26.8 2153 22.8
    30–34 4507 16.9 894 14.4 1897 17.4 1716 17.9
    35–39 2889 10.9 583 9.7 1221 11.2 1085 11.3
    40–44 1176 4.4 273 4.4 491 4.6 412 4.3
    45–49 389 1.4 93 1.4 175 1.6 121 1.3
    North 4506 15.1 746 12.4 1955 15.1 1805 16.7
    Centre 9204 38.3 2247 40.1 3679 38.3 3278 37.3
    South 12676 46.6 3019 47.5 5168 46.6 4489 46.0
Number of children ever born
    1 5787 22.2 1284 21.4 2023 19.0 2480 26.2
    2–3 9621 36.7 2212 37.3 3859 36.2 3550 37.0
    4–5 6274 23.6 1376 22.7 2713 24.8 2185 22.8
    6+ 4704 17.5 1140 18.5 2207 20.1 1357 14.0
Education level
    None 4274 16.1 1481 24.0 1711 15.9 1082 11.5
    Primary 17753 67.1 3859 64.8 7517 69.0 6377 66.5
    Secondary 4104 15.7 659 11.0 1507 14.4 1938 20.0
    Tertiary 255 1.1 13 0.2 67 0.7 175 1.9
Wealth index quintile
    Poorest 5768 21.9 1160 18.7 2439 22.3 2169 23.2
    Poorer 5934 22.4 1392 23.2 2446 22.4 2096 22.0
    Middle 5670 21.3 1389 23.4 2428 22.1 1853 19.1
    Richer 4968 18.6 1183 19.7 2030 18.6 1755 18.0
    Richest 4046 15.8 888 14.9 1459 14.6 1699 17.7
    Urban 3240 12.9 655 11.2 1037 11.1 1548 16.0
    Rural 23146 87.1 5357 88.8 9765 88.9 8024 84.0
Sources of antenatal care knowledge
    Frequency of listening to radio
        Less than once a week 13571 52.0 2146 35.4 4767 44.7 6658 70.3
        At least once a week 12815 48.0 3866 64.6 6035 55.3 2914 29.7
    Frequency of watching television
        Less than once a week 24136 91.4 5732 95.5 9762 90.0 8642 90.6
        At least once a week 2250 8.6 280 4.5 1040 10.0 930 9.4
Barriers to access antenatal care
    Permission to visit health services
        No problem 23076 87.2 5490 91.5 9524 87.9 8062 83.8
        Big problem 3310 12.8 522 8.5 1278 12.1 1510 16.2
    Money to pay for health services
        No problem 11893 44.6 2157 35.4 4948 46.1 4788 48.6
        Big problem 14493 55.4 3855 64.6 5854 53.9 4784 51.4
    Distance to health facilities
        No problem 10910 41.4 2224 36.7 4274 40.6 4412 45.2
        Big problem 15476 58.6 3788 63.3 6528 59.4 5160 54.8
    Presence of companion
        No problem 18762 70.6 4411 73.7 7380 67.8 6971 71.9
        Big problem 7624 29.4 1601 26.3 3422 32.2 2601 28.1
    No drugs at health facility
        No problem 13473 49.7 6012 100.0 4253 38.5 3208 31.4
        Big problem 12913 50.3 0 0.0 6549 61.5 6364 68.6
    No female provider
        No problem 20981 79.3 5158 86.1 8419 77.4 7404 77.2
        Big problem 5405 20.7 854 13.9 2383 22.6 2168 22.8
Marital status
        Never married 871 3.3 138 2.2 281 2.6 452 4.7
        Married 22522 85.4 5257 87.7 9311 86.3 7954 83.1
        Widowed 445 1.7 113 2.0 185 1.7 147 1.5
        Divorced 2548 9.6 504 8.1 1025 9.5 1019 10.7

% = weighted percentage.