The time-course mean values of cerebral hemodynamic parameters. The figure shows the mean values of each hemodynamic parameter (MAP, rCBF, Δ[HbO2], and Δ[Hb]) at the three-bed positions (baseline, HUT, and recovery). § denotes for a significant result of the intragroup using the Wilcoxon signed ranks test; the P-values are marked in the figure. * denotes a significant result between the two groups using the independent t test. MAP showed significant changes between the two groups at baseline and recovery. rCBF showed a significant result between the two groups during the HUT. The cerebral oxygenation results did not show any significance between groups. CBF, cerebral blood flow; MAP, mean arterial pressure; Hb, deoxy-hemoglobin concentration; HbO2, oxy-hemoglobin concentration; HUT, head-up-tilting; rCBF; relative change in CBF