Figure 3.
MT inhibits LNCaP cell migration and invasion. (A) The effects of MT treatment (2 mM) or the combination of MT and the MT receptor antagonist, luzindole (1 µM), for 48 h on LNCaP cell invasion was analyzed using a Matrigel Transwell invasion assay system (The cells stained with Diff-Quik staining kit. Briefly, the cells were fixed Diff-Quik Fixative, Diff-Quik Solution I, and then Diff-Quik Solution II were used in this order at their original concentrations for 10 min at room temperature. The pictures of each group were taken under ×200 magnification using a microscope). (B) Statistical analysis of the invasion number from each group in (A). (C) Scratch wound healing assay of MT on LNCaP cells. (D) The effects of MT treatment (2 mM) or the combination of MT and the MT receptor antagonist, luzindole (1 µM), for 48 h on LNCaP cell migration was analyzed in a Transwell chamber (8-mm pore size membrane, BD Biosciences). (E) Statistical analysis of the migration number from each group in (D). The data in (B) and (E) are presented as the means ± SEM. of three independent experiments. **P<0.01, ***P<0.001 versus control group. MT, melatonin; LNCaP, Lymph Node Carcinoma of the Prostate.