Fig. 5. The M7 MAPK/metabolism module is associated with cognitive decline.
a–c, TMT AD network modules associated with cognitive decline (a) or cognitive preservation (b) after adjustment for ten neuropathologies in ROSMAP. Eigenprotein values are plotted against the rate of cognitive change during life for each participant in ROSMAP (n = 328). Decline is highlighted in red; preservation is highlighted in blue. β is the effect size of module eigenprotein on cognitive trajectory after adjustment for neuropathology; q is the FDR significance level of this effect. Shaded areas represent 95% confidence intervals for β values. Information on the association between all TMT AD network module eigenproteins and cognitive trajectory before and after adjustment for neuropathology is provided in Supplementary Table 27. c, TMT AD network module enrichment of proteins positively associated with cognitive resilience (that is, preservation) or negatively associated with cognitive resilience (that is, decline) identified in a previous PWAS of cognitive resilience in the ROSMAP cohort41. The dashed red line indicates a Z score of 1.96 (P = 0.05), above which enrichment was considered significant. Modules that are shaded are consistent with results in a and b. Modules are ordered by relatedness as illustrated in Fig. 1b. MHC, major histocompatibility complex.