Table 2.
Examples of study designs and data elements well-suited to answer selected research questions.
Example Research Questions | Example Interventions | Patient-Centered Outcomes | Types of Data Required | Possible Study Designs |
Is trazodone an effective medication for sleep problems in children with NI? | Trazodone therapy |
Randomized-controlled trial, either placebo controlled or with active control (melatonin) |
How do we best prepare children with medical complexity for major, high-risk surgeries? Are their post-operative outcomes better if we prepare them before surgery? | Pre-surgical optimization of nutrition, respiratory condition, and pain management |
Randomized-controlled trial, cluster randomized at hospital level |
Does access to family navigator services to address needs related to social determinants of health improve health outcomes? | Routine provision of family navigation services within complex care programs |
Stepped-wedge cluster-randomized trial |
Are bisphosphonates effective for treating osteopenia in children with severe NI? | Bisphosphonate therapy |
Comparison of pre-intervention and post-intervention measurements for the intervention group to an untreated control group |
Would a seizure action plan that goes beyond just giving rectal diazepam make a difference in epilepsy hospitalizations? | Statewide implementation of a stepwise seizure action plan |
Interrupted time series analysis |