(A) Schematic of Pavlovian task in which the probability of reward (P(R)) varied over trials.
(B) Example behavior showing anticipatory licking, in the delay before outcome, as P(R) varied. Black ticks: Rewarded trials. Gray ticks: Unrewarded trials.
(C) Linear regression coefficients of licking rate on reward history.
(D) Two example neurons showing negative correlations between inter-trial interval firing rates and expected uncertainty (−ε is plotted) when the monotonic trends are regressed out. Scale bars, 1 Z score, 50 trials.
(E) Example serotonin neuron showing a negative correlation between CS firing rates and expected uncertainty (ε(t)). Top: Firing rates averaged within terciles (represented by hue) of E and aligned to the CS (left, ε(t)) and outcome (right, ε(t +1)). Bottom: Action potential raster plots aligned to cue onset (left) and outcome (second lick, right) and ordered by increasing E.
(F) The t-statistics from linear regression, modeling inter-trial interval firing rate as a function of ε(t) as in Figure 3F.
(G) Population “tuning curves,” as in Figure 3G.
(H) Stable firing rates within inter-trial intervals, as in Figure 3I. Scale bar, 0.5 Z score.
(I) Within-trial, Z-scored firing rates as a function of uncertainty as in Figures 4E and 5C. Scale bar, 0.5 Z score. See also Figure S5.