Fig. 3. Mitochondrial DNA editing in adult mouse hearts.
a Scheme of in vivo experiments with adult mice. The DdCBE-Nd3-9577-1 monomers (see Fig. 2), and their catalytically inactive versions, were encoded in separate AAV genomes, encapsidated in AAV9.45 then simultaneously administered by tail-vein (TV) injection at 1 × 1012 vg/mouse of each monomer. Animals were sacrificed either 3 or 24-weeks post-injection and their cardiac tissue was examined for mtDNA editing. b, e Editing of mouse MT-Nd3 with DdCBE in mouse heart at 3-weeks (b) or 24-weeks (e) post-injection, analyzed by Sanger sequencing. Potential editing sites are indicated in purple. c, f The NGS analysis of the DdCBE editing within the targeted region in adult mouse hearts at 3 weeks (c) or 24 weeks (f) after injection. Bars represent the mean (n = 2). Source data are provided as a Source Data file. d, g The distribution of NGS reads containing m.9576 G (C12) or m.9577 G (C13) edits at 3 weeks (d) or 24 weeks (g) after injection. The G40K reads contain both m.9576 G > A (C12 > T12) and m.9577 G > A (C13 > T13) mutations, G40E reads contain only the m.9577 G > A (C13 > T13) mutation, while G40* reads contain only the m.9576 G > A (C12 > T12) mutation. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.