Fig. 2.
Intakes of diet quality (DGI) components across quintiles of the percentage of energy from ultra-processed foods in Australian adults from the 2011–2012 National Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey (n 8209). 1Percentage of total energy intake from ultra-processed foods. Mean: Q1 = 11·1 (0–19·3); Q2 = 25·5 (19·3–31·4); Q3 = 36·9 (31·4–42·8); Q4 = 49·8 (42·8–58·2); Q5 = 71·4 (58·3–100). *The association of UPF (continuous) and the diet quality components were significant after adjusting for sex, age, country of birth, area-level disadvantage, education, household income, rurality, physical activity, BMI and smoking status. Values above columns represent the total diet quality (DGI) score which could range between 0 and 130 with a higher score indicating better diet quality. Some components scored inversely (see online supplemental Table 2). DGI, Dietary Guideline Index