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. 2021 Sep 13;25(1):94–104. doi: 10.1017/S1368980021003967

Table 1.

Distribution (%) of the population and mean percentage of energy from ultra-processed foods (% energy intake) according to socio-demographic characteristics and diet quality in Australian adults from the 2011–2012 National Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey (n 8209)

Characteristics Distribution % se % energy intake from ultra-processed foods se
  Male 51·7 0·4 39·7 0·5
  Female 48·3 0·4 38·1 0·4
Age (years)
  19–30 19·9 0·5 44·7 0·9
  31–50 39·2 0·4 39·2 0·5
  51–70 29·9 0·3 35·1 0·6
  71+ 11·0 0·2 37·9 0·7
Country of birth
  Australia 69·3 0·8 41·0 0·4
  Main English-speaking country 11·8 0·5 38·3 0·9
  Other 19·0 0·7 31·7 0·8
Area-level disadvantage*
  First quintile (greater disadvantage) 18·7 1·0 41·6 0·8
  Second quintile 20·5 1·0 39·7 0·7
  Third quintile 20·8 1·0 39·9 0·8
  Fourth quintile 18·9 1·1 38·1 0·9
  Fifth quintile (most advantage) 21·0 1·0 35·7 0·7
  Low 25·6 0·6 40·6 0·7
  Medium 48·9 0·8 40·2 0·4
  High 25·5 0·7 34·9 0·6
Household income
  First quintile (20 % lowest income) 18·8 0·5 37·6 0·6
  Second quintile 17·8 0·6 41·5 0·8
  Third quintile 20·0 0·6 40·1 0·8
  Fourth quintile 21·8 0·6 40·2 0·8
  Fifth quintile (20 % highest income) 21·5 0·7 35·6 0·7
  Major city of Australia 70·4 0·7 38·1 0·4
  Inner regional Australia 19·8 0·9 41·4 0·7
  Other 9·8 0·8 40·1 1·1
Diet quality (DGI) score§
  Low (lowest diet quality) 33·3 0·7 47·5 0·6
  Medium 33·3 0·6 38·8 0·5
  High (highest diet quality) 33·3 0·7 30·5 0·5
  Underweight and normal 31·6 0·7 37·8 0·6
  Overweight 33·4 0·7 37·8 0·6
  Obese 23·9 0·6 42·0 0·7
Physical activity
  Met recommended guidelines 50·2 0·7 37·2 0·4
  Did not meet recommended guidelines 49·1 0·7 40·7 0·5
  Current smoker 17·7 0·6 43·1 0·9
  Ex-smoker 32·0 0·7 37·6 0·5
  Never smoked 50·3 0·8 38·3 0·5

DGI, Australian Dietary Guideline Index.


Calculated using Index of Relative Socio-economic Disadvantage – 2011 – quintiles – national.

Low (incomplete high school or less), medium (completed high school or incomplete high school and/or certificate/diploma) and high (tertiary qualification).

Combined income of all household members aged ≥ 15 years, divided into quintiles of the population.


DGI scores could range between 0 and 130, with a higher score indicating better diet quality – first tertile: low DGI 13 4–70 5 (mean 60 0), second tertile: medium DGI 70 5–83 9 (mean 77 2) and third tertile: high DGI 84 0–121 0 (mean 93 2).

Underweight and normal (BMI < 25 kg/m2), overweight (BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2 and <30 kg/m2), and obese (BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2).

Recommended guideline of 150 min of physical activity in the last week; weighted percentages may not add up to 100 for BMI and physical activity due to missing values.