a, Etelcalcetide model in cryo-EM density. b, Active-state CaSR TM6-TM6 interface model in cryo-EM density (shown here is CaSR-cinacalcet. The TM6-TM6 interface of CaSR-evocalcet-etelcalcetide is highly similar). c, Cinacalcet models in cryo-EM densities. d, Evocalcet models in cryo-EM densities. e, NAM model in cryo-EM density for the CaSR-NAM-Ca2+-Trp complex. f, CaSR-NAM-Ca2+-Trp complex TM6-TM6 interface model in cryo-EM density. g, Inactive-state NAM binding pocket. h, Inactive-state NAM model in cryo-EM density.