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. 2022 Feb 9;35(2):e00088-21. doi: 10.1128/cmr.00088-21


Main features of reported cases of B. cereus bacteremia in neonatesa

Reference (n, no. of cases) Term of birth (wks + days of gestation) Wt at birth (g) Underlying condition(s) Clinical presentation Disseminated infection Suspected source(s) of Infection Antibiotic treatmentb Outcome
Liao and Tsai, 2021 (54) (n = 1) 33 + 2 1490 Respiratory distress Sepsis No Mother’s breast milk VCM, AMK Recovery
Lewin et al., 2019 (88) (n = 2) 25 590 Hyaline membrane disease, pulmonary hypertension Septic shock No Banked human milk LNZ, MRP, VCM Death
24 560 Chorioamnionitis, CBD, patent ductus arterioses Septic shock No Banked human milk AMP, TBM, VCM, MRP, PTZ, CTX Death
Bar-Meir et al., 2019 (51) (n = 3) 32 NA Twin pregnancy Septic shock Brain abscesses Construction-related dust VCM, MRP, CRP Death
31 NA No Sepsis No Construction-related dust VCM, MRP Recovery
31 NA CBD Contamination No Construction-related dust None Recovery
Papan et al., 2019 (52) (n = 1) 37 + 5 2,700 Congenital diaphragmatic hernia closure Septic shock Pneumonia, pyogenic tracheobronchitis, necrotizing bronchiolitis Undetermined VCM, MRP, FSF Death
Samarasekara et al., 2020 (55) (n = 1) 30 NA No Sepsis Brain abscess Undetermined VCM, MRP, AMP, FCX Recovery
Glasset et al., 2018 (53) (n = 6) NA NA NA Sepsis Meningitis, pulmonary and liver infection Surface in medical ward None Death
NA NA NA Sepsis Brain abscess Surface in medical ward VCM, CFT Recovery
NA NA NA Sepsis No Surface in medical ward VCM Recovery
NA NA NA Sepsis No Surface in medical ward VCM, AMK, AMX Recovery
NA NA NA Sepsis No Surface in medical ward, central catheter VCM Recovery
NA NA NA Sepsis Kidney and urinary infection Undetermined CFX, GTM Recovery
Fournier et al., 2017 (7) (n = 9) 30 + 2 750 Intrauterine growth restriction, hemorrhagic brain lesions Sepsis No Banked human milk, parenteral nutritional solutions NA Death
29 + 2 1,075 Twin pregnancy, transfused transfusion syndrome Sepsis Extensive brain damage Banked human milk, parenteral nutritional solutions NA Death
37 + 2 2,815 Atresia of the small intestine Sepsis No Banked human milk, parenteral nutritional solutions NA Recovery
31 1,380 Atresia of the duodenum Sepsis No Banked human milk, parenteral nutritional solutions NA Recovery
29 + 4 1,025 Umbilical hernia Sepsis No Banked human milk, parenteral nutritional solutions NA Recovery
27 + 5 750 Enterocolitis Sepsis No Banked human milk, parenteral nutritional solutions NA Death
31 1,720 Twin pregnancy Sepsis No Banked human milk, parenteral nutritional solutions NA Recovery
38 + 6 3,515 Neonatal respiratory distress Sepsis No Banked human milk, parenteral nutritional solutions NA Recovery
39 3,240 Polymalformation Sepsis No Banked human milk, parenteral nutritional solutions NA Recovery
Lotte et al., 2017 (8) (n = 1) 29 + 4 1,480 Maternal malignancy Septic shock Brain empyema, abscesses and necrosis, cranial hemorrhages Central catheter, surface in medical ward VCM, GTM, CFT Death
Ramarao et al., 2014 (56) (n = 2) 24 + 5 650 CBD Sepsis No Central catheter VCM, AMK, CFT Recovery
26 + 5 615 No Septic shock Brain and pulmonary abscesses Central catheter None Death
Horii et al., 2012 (57) (n = 1) NA 800 Bowel perforation, CBD Sepsis Late meningitis Hospital linens VCM, MRP, LNZ, CLD Recovery
Shimono et al. 2012, (58) (n = 3) 29 476 NA Sepsis No Surface in medical ward NA Recovery
30 876 NA Sepsis No Surface in medical ward NA Recovery
28 1,018 NA Sepsis No Surface in medical ward NA Recovery
Campbell et al., 2011 (59) (n = 8) 31 1,650 NA Sepsis No Endotracheal intubation, central catheter, construction excavation VCM Recovery
29 1,148 NA Sepsis No Endotracheal intubation, central catheter, construction excavation VCM Recovery
28 1,515 NA Sepsis No Endotracheal intubation, central catheter, construction excavation VCM Recovery
24 710 NA Sepsis No Endotracheal intubation, central catheter, construction excavation VCM Recovery
25 945 NA Sepsis No Endotracheal intubation, central catheter, construction excavation VCM Recovery
29 1,015 NA Contamination No Endotracheal intubation, central catheter, construction excavation None Recovery
40 4,184 NA Contamination No Endotracheal intubation, central catheter, construction excavation None Recovery
30 870 NA Contamination No Endotracheal intubation, central catheter, construction excavation None Recovery
Sasahara et al., 2011 (60) (n = 2) NA NA Mitral regurgitation Septic shock No Hospital linens, central catheter, parenteral solutions AMP/SBT, MRP, VCM, PNP Death
NA NA Patent ductus arteriosus Septic Shock No Hospital linens, central catheter, parenteral solutions CFZ Death
Saito et al., 2010 (61) (n = 1) 27 740 Intrauterine growth restriction, patent ductus arteriosus, severe pregnancy-induced hypertension Septic shock Meningitis, intraventricular hemorrhage, pulmonary hemorrhage Undetermined CFZ Death
Drazin et al., 2010 (62) (n = 1) 32 + 4 1,910 Mild dysmorphic features, patent foramen ovale, twin pregnancy, preeclampsia Sepsis Meningoencephalitis, brain abscesses Undetermined VCM, AMK, GTM, MRP Recovery
Pawlik et al., 2009 (63) (n = 1) 27 730 NA Sepsis Brain abscesses Undetermined NA Recovery
Evreux et al., 2007 (64) (n = 1) 31 1,670 Thyroid agenesis Septic shock Meningitis, brain abscesses and necrosis Central catheter CFT, AMX, MTZ, AMK Death
John et al., 2006 (65) (n = 1) 32 1,512 Ruptured bicornuate uterus, severe fetal distress Sepsis Subependymal hemorrhage, cerebral edema Undetermined PTZ, AMK, VCM Recovery
Adler et al., 2005 (66) (n = 8) 25 680 Candida sepsis, chronic lung disease, retinopathy Sepsis No Air MRP Recovery
34 2,010 Escherichia coli peritonitis Sepsis No Air MRP Recovery
37 2,000 Klebsiella peritonitis and sepsis Sepsis No Air VCM Recovery
36 1,735 Necrotizing enterocolitis Sepsis No Air MRP Recovery
30 1,226 Necrotizing enterocolitis Sepsis No Air MRP Recovery
29 1,508 No Sepsis No Air VCM Recovery
32 1600 No Sepsis No Air VCM Recovery
27 870 No Sepsis No Air VCM Recovery
Lequin et al., 2005 (67) (n = 3) 30 + 6 NA No Sepsis Hemorrhagic meningoencephalitis Undetermined NA Death
28 + 3 NA No Sepsis Hemorrhagic meningoencephalitis Undetermined NA Death
34 + 1 NA No Sepsis Hemorrhagic meningoencephalitis, ventriculitis Undetermined NA Death
Heep et al., 2004 (68) (n = 1) 27 950 Intrauterine growth restriction, triplet pregnancy, intraventricular hemorrhage Sepsis Ventriculitis, hemorrhagic necrotizing lesions end brain abscesses Central catheter VCM, GTM, MRP Recovery
Hilliard et al., 2003 (69) (n = 1) 24 585 Chorioamnionitis Septic shock No Undetermined VCM, TBM, CLD, MRP Recovery
Chu et al., 2001 (70) (n = 1) 26 1,580 Hyaline membrane disease, CBD, patent ductus arteriosus, MV, parenteral nutrition Sepsis Meningitis, brain necrosis and edema Undetermined AMP, CFT, AMK, VCM Death
Van Der Zwet et al., 2000 (71) (n = 3) 28 + 5 895 MV, patent ductus arteriosus Septic shock Hemorrhagic meningoencephalitis Ventilator equipment, hands of medical staff AMX, CFT Death
26+4 1,000 MV Sepsis Knee arthritis Ventilator equipment, hands of medical staff VCM, MRP Recovery
37+3 2,780 MV, hepatosplenomegaly Sepsis Meningitis Ventilator equipment, hands of medical staff VCM, MRP Recovery
Tuladhar et al., 2000 (72) (n = 1) 24 735 MV, CNS hemorrhage Sepsis Bone marrow Undetermined CPF, CLD, GTM, IMP, VCM Death
Tokieda et al., 1999 (73) (n = 1) 37 3,764 Hydrops fetalis, MV Sepsis Meningitis, brain hemorrhages Peripheral catheter AMP, GTM Death
Jevon et al., 1993 (74) (n = 2) 27 920 Intrauterine growth restriction, hyaline membrane disease, MV, transfused transfusion syndrome, cerebral hemorrhage Septic shock Necrotizing pneumonia, necrosis of the larynx, thyroid and trachea, meningitis, subendocardial hemorrhage with focal necrosis Resuscitation devices, drugs or hands of medical staff AMP, GTM Death
25 690 Hyaline membrane disease, MV, CNS hemorrhage Septic shock Necrotizing pneumonia Resuscitation devices, drugs or hands of medical staff AMP, GTM Death
Patrick et al., 1989 (75) (n = 1) 26 830 MV, thalamic hemorrhage Septic shock Meningitis, brain necrosis Undetermined AMK, VCM Death
Turnbull et al., 1979 (77) (n = 1) NA NA NA Sepsis Meningitis Undetermined NA NA
Turnbull et al., 1977 (76) (n = 1) 32 1,320 Necrotizing enterocolitis Sepsis Brain, lung and respiratory tract necrosis Central catheter AMP, GTM Death

CBD, chronic bronchial disease; MV, mechanical ventilation; CNS, central nervous system; NA, not available.


VCM, vancomycin; AMK, amikacin; LNZ, linezolid; MRP, meropenem; AMP, ampicillin; TBM, tobramycin; PTZ, piperacillin/tazobactam; CTX, cefotaxime; CRP, chloramphenicol; FSF, fosfomycine; FCX, flucloxacilline; AMX, amoxicillin; GTM, gentamicin; CLD, clindamycin; AMP/SBT, ampicillin/sulbactam; PNP, panipenem; CFZ, cefazolin; MTZ, metronidazole; CPF, cefozopran; IMP, imipnem; CPF, ciprofloxacin; CFA, ceftazidime; ETY, erythromycin.