AAV9 capsid fully decorated by Fabs. This figure illustrates the interaction of the AAV9 monoclonal antibodies covering all accessible epitopes and recapitulates a polyclonal antibody response. On the top is a combination of the AAV9-Fab cryo-reconstruction density maps. The capsid is in brown and the Fab fragment densities are peach, cyan, blue-purple, green, and gray for ADK9, HL2368, HL2370, Hl2372, and HL2374, respectively. On the bottom is a stereographic roadmap projection of the epitopes for all the Fabs, colored similarly to the combination density map but including lighter shades as the occluded regions. All the anti-AAV9 monoclonal antibodies analyzed here (ADK9, HL2368, HL2370, HL2372, and HL2374) are shown with the color key identified below. The figure was generated using UCSF-Chimera (81) and RIVEM (69).