Fig. 6.
S100B-enriched areas are also enriched in FSH- and ERα-expressing cells in gonadotroph tumours. A Graph showing the percentage of S100B + cells and FSH + cells in 20 matching tumour areas (Z1 to Z4) of 5 gonadotroph tumours (Gon#3, #5, #11, #12 and #18). The areas represented on the right side (blue background) show the highest percentages of FSH + cells. Black and blue lines delineate the higher versus lower percentages of S100B + , and FSH + cells, respectively. The higher versus lower percentages of S100B + cells are split by the median. B Representative images of S100B, ERα, and FSH IHC staining performed on serial sections of two gonadotroph tumours. Left panel shows scanned S100B IHC slide. Right panels are enlarged views of the indicated areas (red squares). For each tumour, ERα and FSH staining are shown in the matching areas of serial sections. Scale bar = 50 µm. C Representative image of a double immunofluorescence staining for S100B (red) and FSH (green) performed on a gonadotroph tumour. Right panel shows enlarged views of the a and b dashed areas area. Abbreviations: immunohistochemistry (IHC), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), oestrogen receptor alpha (ERα)