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. 2022 Feb 9;17(2):e0262925. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0262925

Table 2. Baseline and low population counties forecast regressions 4 and 6 weeks ahead.

Restaurant, Bar, Gym, Spa, Retail and Movie Theater Estimates
Baseline Data Low Population Counties
VARIABLES Meant+4 S.E. Meant+6 S.E. Growtht+4 S.E. Growtht+6 S.E.
Bars Closed, Rest Closed -1.141** 0.499 -1.265*** 0.464 -1.229** 0.560 -1.202** 0.523
Bars Closed, Rest Out -0.453 0.468 -1.660*** 0.424 -0.590 0.540 -2.009*** 0.480
Bars Out, Rest Out 0.445 0.514 -0.699 0.460 0.693 0.592 -0.615 0.527
Bars Closed, Rest 25% -0.498 0.525 -0.243 0.531 -0.931 0.602 -0.714 0.607
Bars Out, Rest 25% -4.294*** 0.932 -3.500*** 0.963 -6.280*** 1.241 -4.304** 1.691
Bars 25%, Rest 25% -2.896*** 0.505 -3.379*** 0.500 -3.233*** 0.619 -3.736*** 0.617
Bars Closed, Rest 50% -0.850** 0.342 -1.115*** 0.329 -0.988** 0.392 -1.198*** 0.371
Bars Out, Rest 50% 1.204* 0.651 -0.521 0.703 1.067 0.740 -0.745 0.790
Bars 25%, Rest 50% -0.620 0.501 0.222 0.502 -0.717 0.554 0.142 0.550
Bars 50%, Rest 50% -0.538** 0.263 -0.364 0.242 -0.751** 0.305 -0.534* 0.276
Bars Closed, Rest >50% 1.715*** 0.470 -0.389 0.357 1.809*** 0.510 -0.363 0.390
Bars 25%, Rest >50% 4.155*** 0.768 2.362*** 0.646 4.439*** 0.857 2.465*** 0.718
Bars 50%, Rest >50% 0.034 0.293 -0.123 0.278 -0.175 0.322 -0.343 0.305
Gyms Closed -0.714* 0.408 -1.144*** 0.389 -0.737 0.462 -1.091** 0.440
Gyms 25% 0.550 0.369 0.685* 0.363 0.873** 0.416 1.151*** 0.407
Gyms 50% 0.244 0.281 -0.266 0.272 0.451 0.312 -0.083 0.299
Spas Closed 2.656*** 0.409 2.678*** 0.412 2.723*** 0.458 2.755*** 0.462
Spas 25% 1.247*** 0.407 0.799** 0.399 0.882* 0.458 0.389 0.443
Spas 50% 1.186*** 0.261 1.601*** 0.259 1.099*** 0.280 1.516*** 0.278
Retail Closed -0.461 0.534 -1.226** 0.534 -0.841 0.598 -1.880*** 0.607
Retail 25% -0.651** 0.263 -0.274 0.253 -0.477 0.298 -0.092 0.284
Retail 50% -0.722*** 0.216 -0.614*** 0.200 -0.638*** 0.246 -0.449** 0.226
Movies Closed 0.323 0.378 -0.132 0.353 0.289 0.423 -0.337 0.394
Movies 25% 1.166*** 0.312 0.559* 0.291 1.150*** 0.341 0.436 0.315
Movies 50% 0.883*** 0.276 0.310 0.265 0.833*** 0.299 0.131 0.284
Observations 66,321 66,321 58,860 58,860
Adjusted R-squared 0.0844 0.0873 0.0815 0.0843

The table shows results of estimating Eq (1), where the dependent variable is the j week ahead (from date t) fatality growth. Each explanatory variable is a dummy variable equal to 1 if that policy is in place on date t and 0 otherwise. Capacity limits over 50% (including full openings) are the omitted policies. Lagged fatality growth, current and lagged cumulative fatalities per capita, demographic and weather controls are all included in the regressions, but estimated coefficients are not reported in the table. Baseline Data estimates include all counties. The Low Population sample excludes the five most populous counties in each state. Standard errors are clustered at the county level and are robust to heteroskedasticity. Significance Key

* 10%

** 5%

*** 1%.