(A) Agarose gels of the SNP-CAPs analysis showing the DNA products after PCR amplification and enzymatic digestion of the ten genes present in nine different chromosomes. The electrophoretic profile of the parental lines [P (Ld, Lm)] and three hybrids [Hybrids (1, 2, 3)] resulting from the outcrossing of L. donovani mCh HYG x L. major CTN PAC is shown in the top panel, whereas the electrophoretic profile of the parental lines [P (Ld, Lt)] and two hybrids [Hybrids (1, 2)] resulting from the outcrossing of L. donovani mCh HYG x L. tropica iRFP PAC is shown in the bottom panel. Note the absence of the L. major allele of the gene located on chromosome 1 in hybrid number two (indicated with an asterisk). (B) Agarose gels of the PCR amplification of the A2 gene in the parental lines [P (Ld, Lm)] and three hybrids [Hybrids (1, 2, 3)] resulting from the outcrossing of L. donovani mCh HYG x L. major CTN PAC (top panel), and in the parental lines [P (Ld, Lt)] and two hybrids [Hybrids (1, 2)] resulting from the outcrossing of L. donovani mCh HYG x L. tropica iRFP PAC (bottom panel). The arrowheads indicate the 1000 bp band in the DNA molecular weight marker (M). (C) Fluorograms showing the sequence of part of the actin gene and some SNPs (marked with an asterisk) in the parental strains L. donovani mCh HYG (Ld), L. major CTN PAC (Lm) and L. tropica iRFP PAC (Lt), and one representative hybrid of the outcrossing between L. donovani mCh HYG x L. major CTN PAC (Ld x Lm) and L. donovani mCh HYG x L. tropica iRFP PAC (Ld x Lt). Note the triple nucleotide peaks in the fluorograms of L. donovani x L. tropica hybrid (arrow in the SNP located at position 462 in the right panel).