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. 2022 Feb 10;161(6):1526–1542. doi: 10.1016/j.chest.2022.01.057

Table 3.

Survey Responses by Period: ICU Resources, ICU Resource Use, and Provider Concerns

Variable Survey 1: First Surge, June 2020 (n = 991) Survey 2: Second Surge, March 2021 (n = 1,345) P Value
ICU resource availability
 Sufficient no. of intensivists (COVID-19) 659 (66) 567 (42) .002
 Sufficient no. of intensivists (other ICU patients) 688 (69) 678 (50) .568
 Sufficient no. of ICU nurses (COVID-19) 529 (53) 480 (36) < .001
 Sufficient no. of ICU nurses (other ICU patients) 583 (59) 563 (42) < .001
 Sufficient no. of ICU beds (COVID-19) 515 (68) 209 (22) < .001
 Sufficient no. of ICU beds (other ICU patients) 455 (60) 294 (31) < .001
 Oxygen supplies, available for all patients
 Ventilators 672 (80) 770 (70) < .001
 NIPPV 386 (46) 503 (46) .113
 HFNC 234 (28) 228 (21) < .001
 Oxygen concentrator 403 (48) 447 (40) .736
 Oxygen tank oxygen 796 (95) 1,022 (92) .012
 Testing, always available
 For patients 316 (33) 634 (49) .8666
 For providers 215 (23) 475 (37) < .001
 PPE, always available
 Surgical mask 685 (74) 1,023 (82) < .001
 Eye protection 567 (62) 726 (58) < .001
 Face shield 552 (60) 710 (57) < .001
 N95 429 (47) 714 (57) < .001
 PAPR 231 (25) 330 (26) < .001
 Sterile gowns 473 (51) 772 (62) < .001
 Gloves 852 (93) 1,145 (91) < .001
ICU resource use
 Nonintensivist care for ICU patients with COVID-19 314 (82) 737 (88) .002
 Nonintensivist care for other ICU patients 177 (46) 378 (45) .568
 Non-ICU nursing care for ICU patients with COVID-19 354 (72) 741 (81) < .001
 Non-ICU nursing care for other ICU patients 200 (40) 388 (42) < .001
 ICU nursing care for more patients at the same time 135 (27) 291 (32) < .001
 Space ... ... . . .
 ICUs have to transfer ICU patients with COVID-19 122 (20) 277 (23) < .001
 ICUs have to transfer other ICU patients 131 (22) 240 (20) < .001
 ICUs have to decline transfer requests for patients with COVID-19 146 (24) 583 (49) < .001
 ICUs have to decline transfer requests for other ICU patients 153 (26) 432 (36) < .001
 Critical care intervention used for ICU patients with COVID-9
 Proning 799 (81) 1,093 (81) .697
 ECMO 131 (13) 271 (20) < .001
 Renal replacement therapy 695 (70) 949 (71) .823
 Palliative care consultation 287 (37) 367 (36) .202
 Limiting MV for patients with COVID-19 98 (12) 145 (13) .36
 CPR in patients with COVID-19
 Unchanged compared with before COVID-19 202 (24) 412 (37) < .001
 New CPR policy 437 (52) 417 (38) ...
 No new policy, but changed CPR practices 198 (24) 279 (25) ...
 CPR decisions
 No CPR in patients with COVID-19 16 (2) 5 (0) .001
 Determined by physicians 571 (68) 723 (65) ...
 Determined by families 248 (30) 380 (34) ...
 Family input for critical decisions in patients with COVID-19
 Less compared with before COVID-19 223 (27) 281 (25) < .001
Provider concerns n = 728 n = 903 ...
 Insufficient access to PPE 200 (28) 132 (15) < .001
 Hospital unable to keep providers safe 162 (22) 145 (16) < .001
 Poor communication from supervisors 159 (22) 156 (17) < .001
 Worries about my own health 449 (62) 462 (51) < .001
 Worries about transmitting COVID-19 to my family or community 572 (78) 654 (72) .001
 Experiencing social stigma outside of the hospital 140 (19) 142 (16) < .001
 Witnessing colleagues in my hospital contract COVID-19 405 (55) 387 (43) < .001
 Hearing in the media about HCPs contract COVID-19 250 (34) 249 (27) < .001
 Emotional distress and burnout 438 (60) 638 (71) < .001
 Worries about finances 149 (21) 172 (19) < .001
 Living situation
 Living away from family to protect my family 123 (17) 95 (11) < .001
 Live in the same my house, but completely isolated 34 (5) 24 (3) ...
 Partially isolated from family members 129 (18) 123 (14) ...
 Do not isolate, but take extra precautions 353 (49) 498 (55) ...
 No precautions 88 (12) 163 (18) ...

Data are presented as No. (%), unless otherwise indicated. ECMO = extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; HCP = health care provider; HFNC = high-flow nasal cannula; MV = mechanical ventilation; NIPPV = noninvasive positive pressure ventilation; PAPR = powered air purifying respirator; PPE = personal protective equipment.