Figure 7.
A single injection of ABT-263 enhances spatial memory in 12 month old mice
Twelve month old mice were treated with ABT-263 or vehicle and 30 days later were trained for 6 days on the hidden platform version of the Morris water maze.
(A) Average time to find the hidden platform on each day of training.
(B and C) Twenty-four hours following training, the platform was removed and a probe test performed to assess average amounts of time spent in the trained zone versus the other three equal-sized zones (B). Also shown are density plots of grouped data (C) showing where mice concentrated their searches, with the color scale representing average number of visits per mouse per 5 × 5 cm area. During training, the platform was located in the top right quadrant (C, black circle).
(D and E) Quantification of total distance traveled (D) and average swim speed (E) during the probe test. All results are representative of three independent experiments, and in all cases error bars indicate SEM. ns, not significant, p > 0.05; ∗p < 0.05; ∗∗∗p < 0.001. n = 14 mice/condition.