scRNA-seq characterization of neural induction by PS-like cells
(A) Experimental strategy to temporally monitor PS-like differentiation using scRNA-seq.
(B–D) UMAP (uniform manifold approximation and projection) of 46,700 cells colored by the collection day (B), by the scaled expression of T and Sox1 (C), or according to the identified populations (D) (NMPs: neuromesodermal progenitors, PSM: presomitic mesoderm, PGCLCs: primordial germ cell-like cells).
(E) Alluvial plot showing the temporal evolution of the culture composition.
(F–I) UMAP colored by the scaled expression of the naive pluripotency marker Zfp42 and the post-implantation epiblast marker Fgf5 (F), of PS (G), presomitic mesoderm and somite (H), or endoderm and notochord (I) markers. See also Figure S2.