Figure 5.
Aldh1a2-independent RA signaling during PS-like differentiation
(A) Reporter expression after 5 days of PS-like differentiation of 2KI Aldh1a2−/− mESCs transgenic for an RA signaling reporter (DR5-RARE-Scarlet). Bar: 100 μm.
(B) Scheme of the experimental principle to monitor the impact of perturbing RA signaling on the PS-like differentiation of Aldh1a2−/− mESCs.
(C and D) Sox1-GFP reporter expression in Aldh1a2−/− cells after PS-like differentiation. (C) (black: control, orange: AGN, red: vitamin A and quantification). (D) (n = 3 independent experiments; ∗∗, p < .01; two-sided unpaired t test; data represented as mean ± SD).
(E) Scheme of an RA-responsive transcriptional reporter relying on three RA-responsive elements (RARE), each consisting of three RAR binding sites (DR, direct repeats; cDR, composite direct repeat; min CMV, minimal CMV promoter; BGH pA, bovine growth hormone poly A).
(F and G) Reporter expression after 5 days of PS-like differentiation of 2KI wild-type (Aldh1a2+/+) (F) or 2KI Aldh1a2−/− (G) mESCs transgenic for the cDR RA signaling reporter. Bar: 100 μm.
(H) Sox1-GFP reporter expression after PS-like differentiation of 2KI cells (gray) or Rbp1−/−Stra6−/− cells without (blue) or with (red) additional vitamin A.
(I) Quantification of (H) data (n = 3 independent experiments; ∗, p < .05; ∗∗∗, p < .001; two-sided unpaired t test; data represented as mean ± SD).
(J) Sox1-GFP and cDR-RARE-Scarlet reporter expression after PS-like differentiation of 2KI mESCs, 2KI mESCs transgenic for the cDR RA signaling reporter (Aldh1a2+/+), Aldh1a2−/−, or Aldh1a2−/−Rbp1−/−Stra6−/− mESCs. Dotted lines: gates fixed according to the non-transgenic mESCs negative control. See also Figure S5.