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. 2022 Feb 9;12:2157. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-04764-w

Table 6.

Attention: Hedge’s g effect sizes for each test, in descending order.

Test name N studies N CFS N controls Hedges'g S.E 95% CI p value Q p I2 (%) Study references
Auditive input
Paced auditory serial addition test (4 s) 3 84 62 − 0.75 0.17 − 1.086 to − 0.409 0.0001 2.35 0.31 15.07 Constant et al.18, Lawrie et al.31, Michiels et al.41
Paced auditory serial addition test (Total corrects) 9 261 239 − 0.46 0.09 − 0.634 to − 0.282 0.0001 4.89 0.77 0.00 Cockshell et al.17, Cockshell et al. (2014), Claypoole et al.15, DeLuca et al.20, DeLuca et al.21, DeLuca et al.22, Marshall et al.35, Schmalin et al.61, Tiersky et al.52
Paced auditory serial addition test (2 s) 2 53 38 − 0.37 0.22 − 0.788 to 0.052 0.086 1.04 0.31 3.92 Lawrie et al.31, Short et al.49
Visual input
Continuous performance test (number no distraction) 2 47 32 − 0.50 0.23 − 0.957 to − 0.046 0.031 0.01 0.94 0.00 Marshall et al.35,36
Continuous performance test (number distraction) 2 47 32 − 0.48 0.23 − 0.933 to − 0.022 0.04 0.56 0.46 0.00 Marshall et al.35,36
Continuous performance test (shapes distraction) 2 47 32 − 0.45 0.23 − 0.906 to 0.007 0.05 2.13 0.14 53.01 Marshall et al.35,36
Rapid visual information processing (A') 2 101 157 − 0.28 0.13 − 0.531 to − 0.030 0.028 0.00 0.99 0.00 Capuron et al.13, Majer et al.33
Continuous performance test [reaction time (ms)] 2 47 43 0.26 0.21 − 0.145 to 0.672 0.206 0.00 1.00 0.00 Fiedler et al.24, Marcel et al.34
Continuous performance test (shapes no distraction) 2 47 32 − 0.21 0.23 − 0.662 to 0.241 0.361 1.03 0.31 2.60 Marshall et al.35,36
Mental contol 2 49 42 − 0.40 0.21 − 0.813 to 0.006 0.05 0.07 0.79 0.00 Grafman et al.25, Marcel et al.34

ME/CFS myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome, N number.

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