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. 2022 Jan 27;12:751429. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.751429


Descriptors used for agro-morphological characterization of lentil germplasm of Indian national genebank.

S. No. Descriptors Code Stage of observation Descriptor state
Qualitative traits
1 Early plant vigor EPV 25 DAS Poor (1), Good (2), Very Good (3)
2 Seeding stem pigmentation SSP 45DAS Absent (0), Present (1)
3 Growth habit GH 50% flowering Erect (1), Semi-erect (3), Horizontal (5)
4 Leaf color LC 50% flowering Green (1), Light green(2), Pigmented (3)
5 Leaf pubescence LP 50% flowering Absent (0), Slight (3), Medium (5), Dense (7)
6 Leaflet size LS On lower flowering nodes Small (3), Medium (5), Large (7)
7 Flower ground color FGC Open flower in the morning White (1), Yellow (2), Red (3), Purple (4)
8 Tendril length TL Pod filling Rudimentary (1) Prominent (2)
9 Biomass score BS Mid pod filling Low (3), Medium (5), High (7)
10 Lodging score LoD Mid pod filling Absent (0), Present (1)
11 Pod pigmentation PP Near to maturity Absent (0), Present (1)
12 Pod dehiscence PD Scored a week after maturity Absent (0), Low (3), Medium (5), High (7)
13 Pod shedding PS Scored a week after maturity None (0), Low (3), Medium (5), High (7)
14 Seed shape SS Post-harvest Flattened (1), Globose (2)
15 Seed coat color SCC Post-harvest Yellow (1), Green (2), Brown (3), Pink (4), Gray (5), Black (6)
16 Pattern of seed testa PST Post-harvest Absent (0), Dotted (1), Spotted (2), Marbled (3), Complex (4)
17 Cotyledon color CC Post-harvest Yellow (1), Orange (2), Green (3)
Quantitative traits
18 Seed diameter (mm) SD Post-harvest Average of five replications
19 Seed thickness (mm) ST Post-harvest Average of five replications
20 Days to 50% flowering DF 50% flowering Plot basis
21 Secondary branches per plant SBP Maturity Average of five replications
22 Plant height (cm) PH Late pod filling stage Average of five replications
23 Pods per plant PPP Maturity Average of five replications
24 Seeds per pod SP Maturity Average of five replications
25 Days to 80% maturity DM 80% maturity Plot basis
26 100-seed weight (g) SW Post-harvest Average of five replications