Justified and strongly recommended | Perhaps indicated under individual conditions | No indication (high probability) |
Age <60 years | Age 60–69 years | Age >70 years |
Good to moderate prognosis on acceptable quality of life | Uncertain prognosis on acceptable quality of life | Unacceptable quality of life probable (e.g. continuous dependency on organ replacement therapies, artificial ventilation, haemodynamic support and/or chronic immobility) |
No additional organ failure (except lung) | Mild additional organ insufficiency (except lung) | Additional multi-organ failure with low probability of recovery (except lung) |
Onset of severe ARDS <3 days | Onset of severe ARDS 4–7 days | Onset of severe ARDS >7 days with concomitant signs of fibrosis of the lung |
No considerable comorbidities, good general health status | Moderate comorbidities without necessity for organ replacement (e.g. dialysis) | Severe comorbidities requiring continuous support (e.g. dialysis, inotropes), high frailty, poor general health status |
A declared or presumed patient's will: pro | Patient's will unclear, next of kin undecided | A declared or presumed patient's will: contra |
No chronic illness with expectancy of life shortening | Chronic illness with uncertainty of life shortening | Chronic illness with clear reduction of life expectancy |
For the graded indication all aspects of the column should be fulfilled.