Clinical PET/CT imaging studies in patients with (A) ovarian
and (B) breast cancer. (A) The standardized
uptake value (SUV) measurements of 18F fluorthanatrace
(18F-FTT) in patients with ovarian cancer
(n = 20 women; age range, 22–68 years;
median, 60 years) varied greatly, from 2 (background) to 12 (highest).
Arrows indicate the site of disease. This is the representation of three
images from patients with low, medium, and high uptake. (B)
In a follow-up breast cancer trial, four patients (age range,
41–71 years; median age, 52 years) with stage III or IV disease
and receiving poly (adenosine diphosphate–ribose) polymerase
inhibitor (PARPi) therapy were enrolled. Three of the tumors were triple
negative and one was estrogen positive. The initial SUV was moderate,
4.2–6.8, at baseline (left). After 1 week of PARPi treatment, the
participants were scanned with 18F-FTT again. The uptake of
18F-FTT was diminished after the PARPi treatment. (Data
reproduced from references 16 and 31.) (B reprinted, with
permission, from reference 16.)