(A) HB plots showing hydrogen bonding interaction of different ligands 4e (290:LYS, 305:GLU, 308:VAL, 378:PHE, and 400:ASP), 4f (275:VAL, 290:LYS, 292:LEU, 298:GLU, 301:GLU, 302:PHE, 305:GLU, 400: ASP, 401:PHE) and control, nilotinib (275:VAL, 290:LYS, 292:LEU, 298:GLU, 301:GLU, 302:PHE, 305:GLU, 400:ASP, and 401:PHE) with common interactive residues shown in red. (B) Overview of the 2D interactions of ABL1 kinase with ligands 4e, 4f, and nilotinib. (C) 3D molecular interactions of different ligands 4e, 4f, and control interacting with TYL kinase (5MO4) in the binding pocket.