Model localization accuracy for musical instrument sounds. A. Mean
model localization error for each of 43 musical instruments. Each of a set of
instrument notes was rendered at randomly selection locations. Graph shows
letter-value plots157 of the
mean localization error across notes, measured after actual and judged positions
were front-back folded. Letter-value plots are boxplots with additional
quantiles. The widest box depicts the middle two quartiles (1/4) of the data
distribution, as in a box plot, the second widest box depicts the next two
octiles (1/8), the third widest box depicts the next two hexadeciles (1/16),
etc., up to the upper and lower 1/64 quantiles. Horizontal line plots median
value and diamonds denote outliers. B. Spectrograms of example note (middle C)
for the three most and least accurately localized instruments (top and bottom,