Figure 5.
GPI-anchored protein genes in human and mouse hematopoietic cells. (A) A schematic representation of hematopoietic cell differentiation, with the corresponding lists of GPI-AP genes with the highest expression in sorted hematopoietic cell populations in humans (B) and mice (C). The subsets of the more highly expressed GPI-AP genes, defined as having ≥ 10 transcripts per million (tpm) in published RNA-sequencing datasets, are listed in the descending order of expression within each of the cell lineages. (B) The human GPI-AP gene expression are listed based on RNA-Seq from specified peripheral blood (PB) subsets by Monaco et al., 2019 (48), available at the Human Blood Atlas. (C) The mouse GPI-AP genes expressed at ≥ 10 tpm are shown based on RNA sequencing expression analysis of mouse (C57BL/6) hematopoietic cell subsets isolated from Bone Marrow (BM, progenitor cells; Bolden et al, 2018 (49)), PB (granulocytes and monocytes), spleen (dendritic cells and T cells published by Marsman et al, 2018 (50); B-cells published by Shi et al, 2015 (51)) and lymph nodes (LN) (T cells published by Marsman et al, 2018 (50))), as extracted from the Haemosphere data portal (52, 53).