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. 2021 Sep 25;32(3):1792–1803. doi: 10.1007/s00330-021-08297-8

Table 2.

Characteristics of gadoxetic acid–enhanced MRI-derived parameters

Study ID Quantitative parameter Quantified liver region Formula Interval between MRI and hepatectomy No. of readers Blindness to clinical data
Cho 2011 RLE and remRLE Whole and FLR (SIHBP—SIpre)/SIpre  < 4 weeks 2 Yes
Wibmer 2013 RLE(%) Whole (SIHBP—SIpre)/SIpre * 100  ≤ 8 weeks 1 Yes
Sato 2015 remRE Index FLR (SIHBP—SIpre)/SIpre * 100 * remLV Mean of 20 days 2 Unclear
Jin 2016 RLE(%) Whole (SIHBP—SIpre)/SIpre * 100  ≤ 4 weeks 1 Yes
Costa 2017 RLE Whole (SIHBP—SIpre)/SIpre  ≤ 16 weeks 1 Yes
Asenbaum 2018 functFLR FLR (FLR(%)*remRLE)/body weight  ≤ 10 weeks 1 Yes
Chuang 2018 remCER FLR (SIHBP—SIpre)/(SITP—SIpre) Unclear Unclear Unclear
Kim 2018 rHUI-BW FLR remLV * ((remSIL20 / SIS20) − 1)/body weight * 1 000  ≤ 4 weeks 1 Yes
Theilig 2019 remRLE FLR (SIHBP—SIpre)/SIpre 14 and 4 days before hepatectomy 2 Yes
Araki 2020 FRLV(LMR) FLR ((remSIL20 / remSILpre)/(SIM20 / SIMpre)*remLV) /BSA Unclear Unclear Unclear
Donadon 2020 HUI Whole LV*(SIL20 / SIS20—1) Unclear Unclear Yes
Orimo 2020 rHUI-BSA FLR remLV * ((remSIL20 / SIS20) − 1)/BSA Unclear Unclear Unclear
Zhu 2020 Radiomics Whole NA  ≤ 1 week 2 Yes
Tsujita 2020 rHUI and HUI FLR and resected liver

rHUI = remLV * ((remSIL20 / SIS20) − 1);

HUI = rHUI + ((TFLV-remLV)* ((resSIL20 / SIS20) − 1))

 ≤ 8 weeks 1 Yes
Wang 2020 RFUR, sRFUR FLR NA (based on dynamic contrast enhanced MRI)  ≤ 1 month 2 Unclear

BSA, body surface area; FLR, future liver remnant; FRLV(LMR), functional remnant liver volume corrected by liver-muscle ratio; functFLR, functional FLR; HUI, hepatic uptake index; LV, liver volume; NA, not available; remCER, contrast enhancement ratio of the liver remnant; remLV, the remnant liver volume; remRE Index, relative enhancement index of the liver remnant; remRLE, relative liver enhancement of the liver remnant; remSILpre, signal intensity of the liver remnant before contrast medium injection; remSIL20, signal intensity of the liver remnant at 20 min after contrast medium injection; resSIL20, signal intensity of the resected liver at 20 min after contrast medium injection; rHUI, hepatic uptake index of the liver remnant; rHUI-BSA, rHUI corrected by BSA; rHUI-BW, rHUI corrected by body weight; RFUR, sum of the uptake rate of the remnant liver regions; RLE, relative liver enhancement; SIHBP, liver signal intensity in hepatobiliary phase; SIL20, signal intensity of the liver at 20 min after contrast medium injection; SIM20, signal intensity of the muscle at 20 min after contrast medium injection; SIMpre, signal intensity of the muscle before contrast medium injection; SIpre, liver signal intensity before contrast medium injection; SIS20, signal intensity of the spleen at 20 min after contrast medium injection; SITP, liver signal intensity in transitional phase; sRFUR, sum of the uptake rate of the remnant liver standardized by standard liver volume; TFLV, total functional liver volume