Wet-weight metal concentrations in hippocampus of VaD and control brains.
Element | Concentration unit | Reference isotope | Control | VaD | Mann–Whitney U p-value | Welch’s t test p-value* |
Na | mmol/kg wet weight | 23Na | 78 (72–85) | 97 (87–107) | 0.0015 | 0.0018 |
Mg | mmol/kg wet weight | 24Mg | 4.82 (4.56–5.08) | 4.71 (4.36–5.07) | ns | ns |
K | mmol/kg wet weight | 39K | 56 (51–61) | 47 (42–52) | 0.012 | 0.0089 |
Ca | mmol/kg wet weight | 44Ca | 1.90 (1.52–2.28) | 5.11 (–1.46–11.68) | ns | ns |
Mn | μmol/kg wet weight | 55Mn | 4.97 (4.35–5.59) | 5.84 (3.06–8.62) | ns | ns |
Fe | mmol/kg wet weight | 56Fe | 0.72 (0.61–0.83) | 0.64 (0.51–0.78) | ns | ns |
Cu | μmol/kg wet weight | 63Cu | 55 (42–68) | 49 (42–56) | ns | ns |
Zn | μmol/kg wet weight | 66Zn | 242 (220–263) | 244 (218–269) | ns | ns |
Se | μmol/kg wet weight | 78Se | 1.74 (1.58–1.91) | 2.22 (0.90–3.54) | ns | ns |
Data are means (± 95% CI); p-values for significance of between-group differences were calculated by Mann–Whitney U and Welch’s t test based on wet-weight measurements from control (n = 10) and VaD (n = 10) brains.
*Data were log10 transformed prior to parametric analysis and then back transformed to reflect the actual elemental concentrations.