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. 2021 Sep 29;13(1):38–44. doi: 10.1159/000517978

Table 1.

The summary of the major dysmorphic features and complications

Patients P1 P2 P3
Growth pattern
 Macrosomic birth
 Tall stature
 Overgrowth of hands and feet + + +
Craniofacial features
 Occipital prominence + + +
 Sparse hair
 Narrow frontal hairline + + +
 Prominent supraorbital ridge + + +
 Thick eyebrows + + +
 Synophrys + +
 Downslanting palpebral fissures + + +
 Malar flattening + + +
 Wide nasal bridge + + +
 Large tubular nose + + +
 Long philtrum + + +
 Thin upper lip + + +
Skeletal features
 Progressive thoracolumbar scoliosis + + +
 Kyphosis +
 Bony expansion of the proximal phalanges +
Skin findings
 Hyperelastic skin
 Thin, soft, fragile skin
 Café au lait spots +
Brain imaging
 Posterior fossa enlargement +
 Periventricular white matter lesions
 Sign of the cerebral vasculopathy +
Other Corneal pterygium