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. 2021 Jul 7;49(1):44–61. doi: 10.1159/000516886

Table 2.

Cells and cell subsets as evaluated by flow cytometry

Abbreviation of subgroups Surface marker Referred to Abbreviation Ref.
Blast cells
Blasts BLA BLA+ (CD15+, CD34+, CD65+, CD117+) WB or MNC BLA/WB or/MNC [17]
Proliferating blasts BLAprol BLA+DCCD71+ BLA BLAprol/BLA [39]

Dendritic cells
Dendritic cells DC DC+ (CD80+, CD206+) WB or MNC DC/WB [17]
Leukaemia-derived DC DCleu DC+BLA+ WB or MNC DCleu/WB or /MNC [17]
Mature DC DCmat DC+CCR7+ WB or MNC DCmat/WB or /MNC [18]
Mature DCleu DCmat-leu DC+BLA+CCR7+ WB or MNC DCleu-mat/WB or /MNC
DCleu DCleu-mat/DCleu
DCmat DCleu-mat/DCmat

Monocytoid cells
CD14+ monocytes monocytesCD14+ CD14+ WB monocytesCD14+/WB [18]

T cells
CD3+ pan T cells TCD3+ CD3+ WB or MNC TCD3+/WB or MNC [75]
CD4+-coexpressing T cells TCD4+ CD3+CD4+ CD3+ TCD4+/CD3+ [75]
CD8+-coexpressing T cells TCD8+ CD3+CD8+ CD3+ TCD8+/CD3+ [75]
Naive T cells Tnaive CD3+CD45RO CD3+ Tnaive/CD3+ [41]
Non-naive T cells Tnon-naive CD3+CD45RO+ CD3+ Tnon-naive/CD3 + [41]
Central (memory) T cells Tcm CD3+CD45RO+CCR7+ CD3+ Tcm/CD3+ [41]
Effector (memory) T cells Tem CD3+CD45RO+CCR7 CD3+ Tem/CD3+ [41]
Proliferating T cells − early Tprol-early CD3+CD69+ CD3+ Tprol-early/CD3+ [75]
Proliferating T cells − late Tprol-late CD3+CD71+ CD3+ Tprol-late/CD3+ [75]

B cells
CD19+ B cells BCD19+ CD19+ WB or MNC BCD19+/WB or /MNC [20]

CIK cells
CD3+CD56+ CIK cells CIKCD56+ CD3+CD56+ WB or MNC CIKCD56+/WB or /MNC [20]
CD3+CD161+ CIK cells CIKCD161+ CD3+CD161+ WB or MNC CikCD161+/WB or /MNC

NK cells
CD3CD56+ NK cells NKCD56+ CD3CD56+ WB or MNC NKCD56+/WB or /MNC [20]
CD3CD161+ NK cells NKCD161+ CD3CD161+ WB or MNC NKCD161+/WB or /MNC

iNKT cells
6B11+ iNKT cells iNKT 6B11+ WB or MNC iNKT/WB or /MNC [20]

IFNy-secreting cells
IFNy-secreting CD3+ pan T cells CD3+IFNy+ CD3+ TCD3+IFNy+/TCD3+
IFNy-secreting CD4+-coexpressing T cells CD3+CD4+IFNy+ CD3+CD4+ TCD4+IFNy+/TCD4+
IFNy-secreting CD8+-coexpressing T cells CD3+CD8+IFNy+ CD3+CD8+ TCD8+IFNy+/TCD8+
IFNy-secreting CD3+CD56+ CIK cells CD3+CD56+IFNy+ CD3+CD56+ CIKCD56+IFNy+/CIKCD56+
IFNy-secreting CD3+CD161+ CIK cells CD3+CD161+IFNy+ CD3+CD161+ CIKCD161+IFNy+/CIKCD161+
IFNy-secreting CD3CD56+ NK cells CD3CD56+IFNy+ CD3CD56+ NKCD56+IFNy+/NKCD56+
IFNy-secreting CD3CD161+ NK cells CD3CD161+IFNy+ CD3CD161+ NκCD161+lFNy+/NKCD161+
IFNy-secreting 6B11+ iNKT cells 6B11+IFNy+ 6B11+ iNKT+IFNy+/iNKT+

Surface marker combinations for flow cytometric staining and analysis.