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. 2022 Jan 27;10(1):e35225. doi: 10.2196/35225

Table 1.

The details of 16 diagnostic error cases.

Case No.a Age (y) Sexb Physician of first
Chief complaint Initial
Index visit to
final diagnosis (days), n
Outcome categoryc Initial diagnosis was on listd Final diagnosis was on listd
1 95 F Resident Fever URIe Cholangitis 4 F No No
2 76 M Resident Abdominal pain GERDf Cholecystitis 2 F Yes;
rank 4
3 83 M Resident Abdominal pain Costochondritis Pneumonia 3 F No No
4 55 M Resident Hematochezia Infectious enteritis Diverticular bleeding 2 F Yes;
rank 3
rank 1
5 89 F Staff Nausea Unknown Acute pyelonephritis 3 F No No
6 75 M Staff Cough URI Interstitial pneumonia 3 F No Yes;
rank 10
7 66 M Resident Abdominal pain Constipation Intestinal obstruction 6 F Yes;
rank 4
8 70 F Staff Cough Unknown Heart failure 3 F No Yes;
rank 8
9 77 F Resident Palpitation Heart failure Pulmonary embolism 2 E Yes;
rank 10
10 82 M Staff Fever URI Cholecystitis 3 F No No
11 81 F Resident Anorexia Choledocholithiasis Acute pyelonephritis 2 C No No
12 72 M Staff Headache, lightheadedness Fatigue Vestibular neuritis 8 E No No
13 86 M Resident Abdominal pain Enteritis Intestinal obstruction 0g F No Yes;
rank 9
14 78 M Staff Abdominal pain Hemorrhoid Infectious enteritis 9 C No No
15 91 M Staff Fever, cough, back pain URI Acute pyelonephritis 7 F No Yes;
rank 3
16 72 M Resident Dyspnea, cough, malaise URI Interstitial pneumonia 11 F No No

aAll diagnoses were common. All cases had typical presentations except for case 2.

bFemale (F) or male (M).

cOutcome was classified, along with the Safer Dx Process Breakdown Supplement, as follows: Category C, “An error occurred that reached the patient but did not cause the patient harm”; Category E, “An error occurred that may have contributed to or resulted in temporary harm to the patient and required intervention”; Category F, “An error occurred that may have contributed to or resulted in temporary harm to the patient and required initial or prolonged hospitalization” [29].

dAI Monshin’s differential list; where a diagnosis was on the list, its rank on the list is indicated.

eURI: upper respiratory infection.

fGERD: gastroesophageal reflux disease.

gThe final diagnosis was made at the second visit, which was on the same day as the index visit.