Figure 2. Presynaptic inputs to PV and SST cINs are primarily determined by their areal location.
(A) Examples of rabies retrograde labeling from PV and SST cINs in ALM, S1, and V1 using “Brainrender” 3D representation (Claudi et al., 2020).
(B) Principal component analysis (PCA) of using degree of connectivity for all afferents I each animal (N = 21), showing the clustering, using K-mean analysis, of both PV and SST cINs, both during development and adulthood into 3 areal-specific clusters (ALM, S1 and V1).
(C) Correlation plot of pearson’s correlation coefficients based on the degree of connectivity of all N shows the high correlation between PV and SST cINs both during development and adulthood within each area.
(D) Heatmap of the F values (top) and the p values (p, bottom) calculated after multiple linear regression using “cell” (PV versus SST cINs), “area” (ALM versus S1 versus V1), and “time” (development versus adult) as categorical indicators. Only significant p are represented, with *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, ****p < 0.001. See abbreviations of the origin of the afferents below.
(E) Same as (D), but using afferents grouped in analogous types instead. See STAR Methods for the groups.
(F) Heatmap and hierarchical clustering of PV and SST cINs in ALM, V1, and S1 using the degree of connectivity from analogous afferents in adults (left) and during development (right).
Abbreviations: Cortex: primary and secondary motor (M1, ALM) visual (V1, V2), somatosensory (S1, S2), auditory (AU), retrosplenial (RSP), cingulate (ACA), orbital (ORB), entorhinal (ENT), claustrum (CL) areas, amygdala (AMY); Thalamus: laterodorsal (LD). Lateroposterior (LP), dorsal lateral geniculate (dLG), posterior (PO), ventrobasal (VB), ventral anterior and lateral (VAL), anteromedial (AM), anteroventral (AV), centromedian, central lateral and paracentral (CM/CL/PCN), mediodorsal (MD), Reuniens and Rhomboid (Re/RH), anterodorsal (AD), Parafascicular (Pf) nuclei; basal forebrain: medial septum (MS), substantia innominate (SI), diagonal band nucleus (DBN), nucleus basalis (NB); hypothalamus: preoptic area (PA); hindbrain: raphe nucleus (Raphe), middle reticular nucleus (MRN).