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. 2022 Jan 28;15:799688. doi: 10.3389/fncir.2021.799688



UMAP dimensional reduction of RABV and Allen data reveal common clusters of VTA inputs. (A) Input regions are plotted in UMAP space, embedded with respect to z-scores from the RABV input mapping data. Clusters represent inputs with similar patterns of variation across the cohort. (B) Input regions are plotted in UMAP space, embedded with respect to z-scores across pixels in the Allen data. (C) Heatmap of pairwise distances (averaged across 20 UMAP embeddings) for the RABV input data. Regions are grouped according to hierarchical clusters. Clusters are highlighted to match the clusters above in the UMAP plot; they are also annotated according to which principal components to which the regions contribute. Regions are grouped to line up with the Allen clusters. (D) Heatmap of pairwise distances (averaged across 20 UMAP embeddings) for the Allen input data. (E–H) Same plots as panels (A–D), but UMAP was run on scrambled data. For each region, z-score values were scrambled across mouse brains for RABV data, or pixel coordinate for the Allen data.