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. 2022 Feb 11;22:276. doi: 10.1186/s12889-022-12674-3

Table 7.

The final step in the hierarchical logistic regression analysis of predictors of current e-cigarette use in young people aged 11–16 years

95% C.I. for EXP(B)
Variables B S.E. Wald df Sig. Exp(B) Lower Upper
Female −.222 1.166 .036 1 .849 .801 .081 7.875
Male −.181 1.165 .024 1 .877 .834 .085 8.187
Other −2.259 1.647 1.881 1 .170 .104 .004 2.637
Year 8 (11–12 yrs) −.245 1.019 .058 1 .810 .783 .106 5.767
Year 9 (12-13 yrs) −.621 .588 1.113 1 .291 .538 .170 1.703
Year 10 (13–14 yrs) 1.247 .664 3.526 1 .060 3.480 .947 12.787
Year 11 (14–15 yrs) −.248 .595 .174 1 .677 .780 .243 2.506
School type .520 .475 1.195 1 .274 1.681 .662 4.270
Mother’s/female guardian EC use .299 .596 .252 1 .616 1.348 .419 4.337
Fathers/male guardian EC use −1.042 .573 3.310 1 .069 .353 .115 1.084
EC Knowledge −.032 .199 .025 1 .873 .969 .656 1.431
SN −.177 .404 .192 1 .661 .838 .380 1.849
Attitude .767 .400 3.678 1 .055 2.153 .983 4.714
PBC .009 .339 .001 1 .978 1.010 .520 1.961
Self-efficacy .908 .378 5.784 1 .016 2.481 1.183 5.201
Intention 1.610 .288 31.22 1 .000 5.004 2.844 8.802
Indirect measure of attitude .001 .015 .009 1 .925 1.001 .973 1.031
Indirect SN .029 .016 3.167 1 .075 1.029 .997 1.062
Indirect PBC −.049 .040 1.461 1 .227 .952 .880 1.031
Constant −8.127 3.966 4.199 1 .040 .000

N 1511, School type = Grammar / Secondary School, EC Electronic cigarettes, PBC Perceived behavioural control, SN Subjective norm