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. 2001 Sep;39(9):3260–3266. doi: 10.1128/JCM.39.9.3260-3266.2001


RFLP patterns and clinical and mycological status of T. rubrum and T. mentagrophytes strains from 20 onychomycosis patients

Patient and time No. of samples Toenail sampleda Microscopyb % of area involvedc RFLP typed
Patients with T. rubrum infection
 Patient 1
  Aug. 97e R3 Pos. 100 Tr-1
  Sept. 97e Pos. 60 Tr-1
  Nov. 97 Pos. 40 Tr-1
  Dec. 97 Pos. 20 Tr-1
  Jan. 98 Pos. 5 Tr-1
  June 98e 6 Neg. 0 Tr-1
 Patient 2
  May 97e R1 Pos. 40 Tr-2
  Jun. 97e Pos. 30 Tr-2
  Sept. 97 Neg. 20 Tr-2
  Nov. 97e Pos. 20 Tr-2
  Feb. 98 5 Pos. 15 Tr-2
 Patient 3
  Nov. 97e R1 Pos. 70 Tr-3
  Dec. 97e L1 Pos. 70 Tr-4
  Jan. 98e R1 Pos. 60 Tr-4
  Mar. 98 4 Pos. 50 Tr-3
 Patient 4
  Dec. 96e L1 Pos. 50 Tr-5
  Sept. 97e Pos. 20 Tr-3
  Nov. 97e Neg. 7.5 Tr-3
  Dec. 97 Pos. 7.5 Tr-5
  Mar. 98e 5 Neg. 7.5 Tr-5
 Patient 5
  Dec. 96 R1 Pos. 80 Tr-1
  July 97e L1 Pos. 60 Tr-2
  Aug. 97 Pos. 50 Tr-1
  Nov. 97 Pos. 10 Tr-2
  Feb. 98 5 Pos. 0 Tr-2
 Patient 6
  Sept. 97e R1 Pos. 70 Tr-3
  Oct. 97e L1 Neg. 70 Tr-3
  Dec. 97 Pos. 50 Tr-3
  Jan. 98 Pos. 50 Tr-3
  Dec. 98 Pos. 10 Tr-3
  Apr. 99 6 Neg. 7.5 Tr-5
 Patient 7
  Nov. 97e R1 Pos. 70 Tr-1
  Feb. 98 Pos. 60 Tr-1
  Apr. 98e Pos. 55 Tr-1
  May 98e Pos. 55 Tr-1
  Dec. 98 5 Pos. 10 Tr-1
 Patient 8
  July 97e L1 Pos. 70 Tr-1
  Aug. 97 Pos. 60 Tr-1
  Sept. 97 Pos. 50 Tr-1
  Jan. 98 Pos. 50 Tr-1
  Apr. 98e Pos. 50 Tr-1
  July 98 6 Neg. 7.5 Tr-1
 Patient 9
  Jan. 98e L1 Pos. 95 Tr-4
  Feb. 98e Pos. 95 Tr-3
  Mar. 98e Pos. 90 Tr-3
  Apr. 98 4 Pos. 80 Tr-3
 Patient 10
  July 97e R1 Pos. 40 Tr-3
  Aug. 97e Pos. 40 Tr-3
  Oct. 97 3 Pos. 20 Tr-3
 Patient 11
  May 97e R1 Pos. 30 Tr-3
  Sept. 97e Pos. 80 Tr-3
  Jan. 98 3 Pos. 70 Tr-3
 Patient 12
  Aug. 97e L3 Pos. 80 Tr-5
  Sept. 97e Pos. 60 Tr-5
  Oct. 97 3 Pos. 20 Tr-5
 Patient 13
  July 97e R1 Pos. 90 Tr-3
  Dec. 97 2 Neg. 40 Tr-3
 Patient 14
  Jan. 97 L1 Pos. 100 Tr-3
  Apr. 97e 2 R1 Pos. 80 Tr-3
 Patient 15
  Mar. 97 L1 Pos. 100 Tr-2
  Apr. 97e R1 Pos. 100 Tr-2
  Dec. 97 3 Neg. 0 Tr-5
 Patient 16
  May 98e R1 Pos. 70 Tr-3
  June 98e Pos. 60 Tr-3
  July 98e 4 Pos. 60 Tr-3
  Aug 98 Neg. 50 Tr-3
Patients with T. mentagrophytes infection
 Patient 1
  June 97e L1 Pos. 85 Tm-1
  Aug. 97 Pos. 50 Tm-1
  Sept. 97 3 Pos. 50 Tm-1
 Patient 2
  Sept. 97e L1 Pos. 20 Tm-1
  Nov. 97 Pos. 20 Tm-1
  Dec. 97 3 Pos. 20 Tm-1
 Patient 3
  Aug. 97e L1 Pos. 60 Tm-2
  Sept. 97 Pos. 55 Tm-2
  Nov. 97 3 Pos. 55 Tm-2
 Patient 4
  July 97e L1 Pos. 90 Tm-1
  Aug. 97 2 Pos. 80 Tm-1

Infected toenails were collected from either the right (R) or the left (L) toes. 


Result of microscopic examination of the clinical material; Pos. represents the presence of fungal filaments, and Neg. represents no fungal filaments in the specimen under the microscope. All specimens were culture positive for T. mentagrophytes


The percentage of the nail infected was estimated visually. 


RFLP pattern observed by hybridization of the PCR-amplified ITS region used as a probe against EcoRI-digested total genomic DNA. Tr, T. rubrum RFLP type; Tm, T. mentagrophytes RFLP type. 


Time period when the patient was under treatment. The two oral antifungals used for treatment were itraconazole and terbinafine. Time periods not marked represent follow-up examinations.