ID | Sex | AF type | AF onset (years) | Gene | Frequent or intense head-aches | Light/sound sensitivity during headaches | Nausea during head-aches | Symptoms of ataxia | Rest-less legs | Muscle cramps | Family history of migraine | Comment: |
II-1 | F | Perm | 57 | CACNA1A | No | No | No | Loss of balance a | Yes | Yes | Yes | Underdeveloped lower extremities due to accident as a child Balance problems appear and disappear suddenly |
II-4 | M | Perm | 48 | CACNA1A | No | No | No | None | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
II-5 | M | Perm | 47 | CACNA1A | No | No | No | Loss of balance a | No | Yes | Yes | Sudden development of balance problems 1 year ago Grandchild with migraine |
II-6 | M | Perm | 40 | CACNA1A | No | No | No | Yes, loss of balance and loss of fine motor control a | Yes | Yes | Yes | Problems with balance and fine motor skills after injury to back |
III-1 | M | Perm | 37 | CACNA1A | Yes a | Yes a | Yes a | None | No | No | Yes | Frequent/intense headaches, including nausea and light sensitivity, occurred monthly before beta-antagonist treatment |
III-2 | M | Per | 38 | CACNA1A | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | Yes | Did not wish to participate in follow-up interview |
See comment. AF, Atrial Fibrillation. M/F = Male/Female. Per. = Persistent. Perm = Permanent.