Measurement Results from Piglet #2 during Asphyxia. A, Cross sectional views of 3D images of CBF at depths of 1 mm (skull) and 5 mm (cortex). The region of 15 × 15 mm2 used to average CBF values is marked with the dashed rectangle. T1: Baseline before asphyxia; T2: During asphyxia; T3: End of measurement. B, Time-course of rCBF changes measured by the scDCT and DCS. The dashed boxes represent the time points (T1 to T3) to take these images in Figure 6A. Error bars represent standard deviations of spatial rCBF values in the selected region. C and D, Time-course of changes in ICP, SaO2, and HR. E, The linear regression correlation between the scDCT and DCS measurements of rCBF changes in the cortex. CBF, cerebral blood flow; DCS, diffuse correlation spectroscopy