The effect of different degrees of alloy-silicate equilibration and varying Si and S content in the alloy on the equilibrium alloy-silicate partitioning behavior of nitrogen for a single stage core formation event in a deep magma ocean. A) Modelled N concentration in post-core formation MO (using parametrization from this study) as a function of degree of alloy-silicate equilibration with different Si contents in the alloy, while S content in the alloy is varied between 0 to 4 wt.% in each case. Alloy-silicate equilibration takes place at P = 45–65 GPa, T = 3500–4000 K, (present-day value of primitive upper mantle) and NBO/T = 2.76 (peridotitic silicate melt composition). For each scenario, colored lines show the most probable solution, while the shaded regions, where present, represent probable solutions over the entire P-T for that scenario via forward Monte-Carlo simulations. B) Percentage of N either in the core (solid lines) or the MO (dashed lines) as a function of degree of alloy-silicate equilibration for each scenario.