TfcP is important for stability of PilY1.1 and minor pilins of cluster_1. (A) Accumulation of proteins of the T4aPM and cluster_1. Cells were grown in 1.0% CTT suspension culture. Relative protein amounts were determined using targeted proteomics with one to five heavy-labeled reference peptides for each protein spiked into the trypsin-digested cell lysates (SI Appendix, SI Materials and Methods). To calculate relative protein amounts, each light-to-heavy intensity ratio of the endogenous (light) and reference (heavy) peptide was calculated. Individual data points represent the mean of the log2 ratios of the relative amount of all peptides of one protein in one biological replicate to the mean relative amount of the same peptide in the WTΔ2Δ3 strain. Center marker and error bars in black: Mean and SD from four biological replicates. Statistical analyses were performed by comparing WTΔ2Δ3 to the mutants using Welch’s test, *P < 0.01. (B) Immunoblot analysis of TfcP and PilY1.1 accumulation. Cells were grown in 1.0% CTT suspension culture. Total cell extracts from the same number of cells were separated by SDS-PAGE and analyzed by immunoblotting with the indicated antibodies. PilC was used as loading control. (C) Localization of mCherry-PilM. Strains were grown in 1.0% CTT suspension culture, placed on 1.0% agarose supplemented with Tris/phosphate/magnesium (TPM) buffer, and immediately imaged by fluorescence microscopy. (Scale bar, 5 µm.)