Fig. 6.
Structural comparison of UNCG tetraloop recognition and RNA binding RGG/RG motifs. (A) SF3A1-UBL bound to U1-SL4. (B) Solution structure of RSV nucleocapsid protein (NC) zinc knuckle motif (F1) bound to μΨ RNA packaging signal containing a UNCG-type tetraloop. Zinc atom shown in cyan (PDB ID: 2IHX). (C) Structural model of PTBP1-RRM1 bound to U1-SL4 based on Ref. 26. (D) Crystal structure of RGG motif of FMRP bound to sc1 RNA (PDB ID: 5DEA). (E) Solution structure of FUS-RRM bound to U1-SL3 (PDB ID: 6SNJ). RGG/RG motifs are highlighted in red.