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. 2022 Jan 18;14(3):478. doi: 10.3390/cancers14030478

Table 1.

Studies evaluating the early integration of palliative care in patients with acute myeloid leukemia.

First Author Study Design Population Intervention Endpoints Scales and Measures Results
El-Jawahri A [65] 2020
and Nelson AM [68] 2021
Multisite, nonblinded, phase III randomized clinical trial 160 pts:
86 EPC
74 SC
EPC: inpatient PC physician, an AP nurse, or physician assistant. First visit within 72 of randomization. At least 2 visits a week during hospitalization up to 1 year after randomization. No outpatient visits
SC: supportive care measures as per their oncology team. PC allowed at patients’ request or at the request of their oncologist.
Primary: QOL at week 2
symptom burden, anxiety, depression, PTSD, patient reported EOL discussions, hospitalizations in the last week of life, chemotherapy in the last 30 days of life, and hospice use
PTSD Checklist–Civilia
Brief COPE [68]
Better QOL (EPC:116.45 vs. SC:107.59; p = 0.04).
Lower depression (EPC: 5.68 vs. SC: 7.20; p = 0.02; and EPC: 6.34 vs. SC: 8.00; p = 0.04).
Lower anxiety (EPC: 4.53 vs. SC: 5.94; p = 0.02).
Lower PTSD symptoms (EPC:27.79 vs. SC: 31.69; p = 0.01).
Greater use of approach-oriented coping at 2 and 24 weeks (B = 1.85; SE = 0.62; p = 0.004 and B = –0.39; SE = 0.15; p = 0.01) [68].
Lower use of avoidant coping at week 2 (B = –0.70; SE = 0.29; p = 0.02) [68].
Better QOL and lower anxiety, depression, and PTSD symptoms were maintained longitudinally.
Higher frequency of discussion about EOL care preferences (EPC: 21 of 28 [75.0%] vs. SC: 12 of 30 [40.0%]; p = 0.01) and lower frequency of chemotherapy in the last 30 days of life (EPC: 15 of 43 [34.9%] vs. SC: 27 of 41 [65.9%]; p = 0.01).
No differences in symptom burden, PHQ-9 scores, or changes in the use of avoidant coping strategies [68], longitudinally.
No differences in hospice use, hospice length of stay, or hospitalization in the last week of life.
Rodin G [66]
Single-center phase II trial
evaluating feasibility and tolerability, calculation of sample size, and timing of the primary endpoint
31 pts:
17 EPC
14 SC
mainly inpatient
8–12 psychotherapeutic sessions, over 8 weeks by a trained mental health clinician (EASE-psy),
and systematic screening of physical symptoms (EASE-phys) with triggered referral to PC. PC team: a physician and nurse.
First visit within 1 month of inpatient admission.
Rare outpatient evaluation
SC: PC allowed at request
Primary: severity of traumatic stress symptoms
Secondary: physical symptom burden, pain,
QOL, depressive symptoms and patients’ satisfaction with care
Feasibility outcome met
Reduced traumatic stress symptoms at 4 and 12 weeks: EASE group: M (SE) = 24.26 (5.63), vs. SC group, M (SE) = 40.13 (5.50), p = 0.048; M (SE) = 21.03 (5.71), vs. SC group, M (SE) = 38.27 (5.46), p = 0.033
Lower pain intensity and pain interference with daily activities at 12 weeks, EASE group: M (SE) = 2.23 (2.66) vs. SC: M (SE) = 9.66 (2.09), p = 0.032. EASE group: M (SE) = 4.68 (6.27) vs. SC: M (SE) = 27.73 (4.88), p = 0.006.
Lower rates of pts with ASD or threshold ASD at 12 weeks: EASE group: 7.7% (1/13) vs. SC: 42.1% (8/19), p = 0.05.
No differences in physical symptom severity, symptom-related distress, depressive symptoms, satisfaction with care, and overall quality of life.
Potenza L [67] 2021 Single-center observational retrospective 215 pts:
131 EPC
84 late referrals to PC
EPC: exclusively outpatient
One trained physician and one fellow
First visit at a median of 5 weeks after the diagnosis. Monthly visits or frequency driven by disease trajectory. At least three visits
Late PC: patients with only 1 or 2 visits of PC
Primary: presence of quality indicators of PC and EOL care 5 indicators of quality for PC [30]: psychological support, assessing and managing pain, GOC and prognosis, ACP, accessing home-care service
14 indicators of quality of EOL care [27]
Higher rates of
Assessment and management of pain (EPC 100% vs. LatePC 46%; p = 0.00001)
(EPC 71.8% vs. LatePC 43%; p = 0.00001)
(EPC 57.3% vs. LatePC 2.3%; p = 0.00001)
Home care service
(EPC 43.5% vs. LatePC 14.2%; p = 0.00001)
Lower rate of
Chemotherapy in the last 14 days of life
(EPC 2.7% vs. LatePC 13.9%; p = 0.0228)
ICU admission and intubation in the last month of life
(EPC 0% and 0% vs. LatePC 14.7% and 6.1%; p = 0.0007 and 0.0314)
Access to ED ≥2 within 30 days of death
(EPC 4% vs. LatePC 23.5%; p = 0.001)
Death in acute facilities
(EPC 5.3% vs. LatePC 31.4%; p = 0.002)
RC transfusion in the last week of life
(EPC 49.3% vs. LatePC 28.12%; p = 0.0315).
No differences in Hospitalization ≥2 within 30 days of death, hospice length of stay > 7 days, platelet transfusion in the last week of life

EPC = early palliative care; SC = standard care; AP = advance practitioner; QOL = quality of life; PTSD = post-traumatic stress disorder; Brief COPE = Brief Coping Orientation to Problems Experienced Inventory; EOL = end-of-life; FACT-Leuk = Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy–Leukemia; ESAS = Edmonton Symptom Assessment Scale; PHQ-9 = Patient Health Questionnaire; HADS = Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; EASE = Emotion And Symptom-focused Engagement; SASRQ = Stanford Acute Stress Reaction Questionnaire; MSAS = Memorial Symptom Assessment Scale; BPI = Brief Pain Inventory; FACIT-Sp = Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Spiritual Well-Being; BDI-II = Beck Depression Inventory-II; FAMCARE-P16 = Family Satisfaction with Care-Patient Version; GOC = goals of care conversations; ACP = advance care planning.