Table 8.
Author(s) | Cancer Site, n | RT Dose (Gy) /Fractions |
Temperature Metrics (°C) |
HT Session |
(min) |
Thermal Dose (min) |
(min) |
Sequence | Clinical Outcome (Comment) |
Franckena et al. [36] | Locally advanced cervix cancer, n = 420 |
46.0–50.4 /23–28 with HDR-IRT 11 (192 Ir): 17.0/2 weekly or LDR-IRT 12: 18.0/3 weekly or LDR: 30 Gy in 60 h |
n.r. | Ntotal: 5 Nweek: 1 |
60 | CEM43°CT90
†: 5.05 ± 4.18 min |
n.r. | n.r. |
Kroesen et al. [33] | Locally advanced cervix cancer, n = 400 |
46.0 -50.4 /23–28 with HDR-IRT (192 Ir): 17.0/2 or MRI-IRT 7.0/3–4 |
n.r. | Ntotal: 5 Nweek: 1 |
60 | CEM43°CT90
†: 3.40 (1.89–5.83) TRISE †: 3.46 (2.93–3.86) |
30–230 | HT after RT |
van Leeuwen et al. [22] | Locally advanced cervix cancer, n = 58 |
46.0–50.4 /23–28 with PDR: 24 |
n.r. | Ntotal: 4–5 Nweek: 1 |
60 | n.r. | 33.8–125.2 † | HT after RT |
Franckena et al. [120] | Locally advanced cervix cancer, n = 378 |
46.0–50.4 /23–28 with HDR-IRT (192 Ir): 17.0/2 or 18.0–21.0/3 or 20.0–24.0/1 or HDR: 30.0/1 |
Tavg †: 40.6 | Ntotal: 5 Nweek: 1 |
60 | n.r. | 30–240 | HT after RT |
Oldenborg et al. [121] | Recurrent breast cancer, n = 78 |
32.0/8 | T90
†: 41.1 (37.7–42.4) T50 †: 42.2 (39.0–43.4) T10 †: 43.2 (41.0–44.5) |
Ntotal: 4 Nweek: 1 |
60 | CEM43°CT90
†: 22.3 (1.5–107.7) CEM43°CT50 †: 37.3 (3.3–96.0) |
60 | HT after RT |
Datta et al. [49] | Muscle invasive bladder cancer, n = 18 |
unifocal cancer: 48.0/16 multifocal cancer: 50.0/20 |
†: 40.5 ± 0.5 Tmin †: 36.7 ± 0.3 Tmax †: 42.0 ± 0.6 |
Ntotal: 4 Nweek: 1 |
60 | CEM43°C: 59.8 ± 45.6 |
15–20 | HT before RT |
Leopold et al. [32] | Soft tissue sarcoma, n = 45 | 50.0–50.4 /25–28 |
‡: 39.5 T50 ‡: 41.6 T10 ‡: 43.0 Tmin ‡: 37.7 Tmax ‡: 44.0 |
Group A: Ntotal: 5 Nweek: 1 Group B: Ntotal: 10 Nweek: 2 |
60 | n.r. | 30–60 | HT after RT |
Ohguri et al. [94] | Non-small cell lung cancer, n = 35 |
45.0–80.0 /23–30 |
‡: 43.2 (38.9–48.1) Tavg ‡: 42.6 (38.8–47.0) Tmin ‡: 41.7 (38.6–45.6) |
‡: 11 (3–17) Nweek: 1–2 |
40–70 | n.r. | 15 | HT after RT |
n: number of patients assigned to be treated with HT in combination with RT; †: mean value (±standard deviation) or mean value (range); ‡: median (range); n.r.: not reported; 1 CR: complete response; 2 PR: partial response; 3 SD: stable disease; 4 PD: progressive disease; 5 PTC: pelvic tumor control; 6 DSS: disease specific survival; 7 DFS: disease free survival; 8 OS:overall survival; 9 IFR: in-field recurrence; 10 NC: no change; 11 HDR-IRT: high dose rate interventional radiotherapy; 12 LDR-IRT: low dose rate interventional radiotherapy.