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. 2022 Feb 8;12(3):405. doi: 10.3390/ani12030405

Table 3.

Devices for automatic temperature monitoring for calving prediction, with performance and references.

Parameter Sensor Type Device N Application TI Device Performance Factory References
Temperature Rumen temperature SmartStock 30 Rumen bolus 48–24 h n.a. SmartStock, LLC, Pawnee, OK
Cooper-Prado et al. [43]
Phase IV 266 Rumen bolus 24 h Cut-off = −0.2 °C
Se = 68–69%; Sp = 67–69%;
AUC = 73–74%
Fase IV Ingegneria, Boulder, CO
Costa et al. [44]
12 h Cut-off = −0.2 °C
Se = 69–70%; Sp = 64%;
AUC = 71–72%
Rumen temperature and pH SmaXtec 10 Rumen bolus Eutocic delivery
−0.48 °C at 20 h
n.a. Animal Care GmbH, Graz, Austria
Kovàcs et al. [45]
8 Dystocic delivery
−0.23 °C at 32 h
Vaginal temperature Minilog II-t 42 Vaginal canal 24 h Se = 74%; Sp = 74%;
PPV = 51%; NPV = 89%;
AUC = 0.80
Vemco Ltd., Halifax, Canada
Ouellet et al. [29]
12 h Se = 69%; Sp = 69%;
PPV = 26%; NPV = 93%;
AUC = 0.74
6 h Se = 68%; Sp = 67%;
PPV = 13%; NPV = 97%;
AUC = 0.68
Tail base temperature Thermistor Prototype:
Ventral tail surface 24 h Se = 80–89%; Sp = 89–91%;
PPV = 19–20%; NPV = 99%
SEMITEC Corporation, Tokyo, Japan
Koyama et al. [46],
Miwa et al. [47]
18 h Se = 83–92%; Sp = 87–88%;
PPV = 55–56%; NPV = 97–98%
12 h Se = 84–90%; Sp = 82–85%;
PPV = 35–38%; NPV = 98–99%
6 h Se = 83–90%; Sp = 79–82%;
PPV = 19–20%; NPV = 99%
(validation set)
Ventral tail surface + machine learning 24 h Se = 84.3%;
Pr = 70.5%
Higaki et al. [48]
Gyuonkei 625 Vaginal canal ~22 h n.a. Remote Inc., Oita, Japan
Sakatani et al. [49]
Vel’Phone® 211 Vaginal canal 24 h Cut off = 38.2 °C
Se = 86%; Sp = 91%;
PPV = 80%; NPV = 88%; AUC = 0.89
Cut off = −0.21 °C
Se = 66%; Sp = 76%;
PPV = 67%; NPV = 69%; AUC = 0.72
Medria, Châteaugiron, France
Ricci et al. [50]

N: number of animals; NS: not specific, means that devices was self-assembled by researchers starting from data logger and sensor available in the market. This means that there are no commercially available products specific for use in cow. TI: time interval between calving alarm and parturition. Se: sensitivity; Sp: specificity; Acc: accuracy; PPV: positive predictive value; NPV: negative predicting value; AUC: area under curve; n.a.: not available.