Figure 4.
Incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) plane (a) government healthcare model; (b) private healthcare model. The Cost Effectiveness Analysis was done for both a Government-funded and a privately-funded healthcare model, for the same duration (three years), assuming the same health effects, with the only difference being the input costs. In the Government-funded healthcare model, the QALYs range from 0–1.4, with incremental costs mainly seen in the 4th Quadrant, showing improved clinical benefits and lower costs per QALY with the addition of mEHT. In the Privately funded healthcare model, the QALYs range from 0–3.5 with incremental costs falling in the lower portion of the 1st quadrant and the upper portion of the 4th quadrant, implying a clinical benefit with a high probability of cost saving with the addition of mEHT to chemoradiotherapy