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. 2022 Jan 18;11(3):255. doi: 10.3390/foods11030255

Table 2.

Classification of sensory discriminative tests.

Test Type of Evaluation Statistical Analysis Advantages Limitations Variations Ref.
Triangle test Identification of a different sample from a set of three samples. Mixed model logistic analysis;
mixed ANOVA 1;
Tukey’s test
not require specification of the nature of the difference
Lack of accuracy; ineffectiveness and sensory fatigue; requires large sample sizes to be effective Tetrad test;
duo–trio test
Tetrad test Group similar samples from a
set of four samples.
Hypothesis testing Fewer assessors can be used to recover the same confidence in the result Sensory fatigue [89,98]
Duo–trio test Three samples are displayed; one of them is the reference. Identification of the most similar sample regarding the reference. Hypothesis testing Easier performance in complex or hard-to-evaluate products;
the ability to evaluate how significant sensory differences are between samples
Sensory fatigue;
large assessor groups need to be used to increase confidence in the data;
low statistical power
CRM 2; BRM 3; A-Not AR 4; 2-AFCR 5; different positions of references; ABX [90,91,92,99]
ABX test Two control samples and a treated sample are presented to assessors, and they are asked to match the “X” sample to one of the references. Hypothesis testing Participants do not need anyprior knowledge of the samples;
assessment of fewer products
No guidance over an attribute to focus on;
less sensitive test;
relies on the assessors’ memory
A Not-A test Reference A and other samples are presented to assessors, and they must decide whether the other samples assessed are similar to the A sample. Chi-squared test;
Thurstonian distance
Single presentation test;
usable with high carryover effect samples
Less recommended when assessors are untrained and/or with
no experience with the products
Paired Comparison Compares two samples without concerning the intensity of perception. PCA 6;
Friedman test; Bradley–Terry model
Simple and intuitive task;
sensitiveness to differences between stimuli
Low statistical power
Simple difference tests or directional paired comparison tests (or 2-alternative forced-choice tests); multiple paired comparison test; FC 7 [91,95,103]
FC 7 Assessors must choose one of the two samples. ANOVA 1 Simple task A tendency for “noise” in the datasets Triangle test; AFC 8; can be based on the triangle test becoming 3-AFC or paired comparison test becoming 2-AFC; 4I2AFC 9 [95,98]

Legend: 1. Analysis of variance; 2. constant-reference mode; 3. balanced-reference mode; 4. A-Not A with a reminder; 5. 2-AFC with a reminder; 6. principal component analysis; 7. forced-choice; 8. duo–trio test alternate forced-choice; 9. four-interval two-alternative forced-choice.