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. 2022 Jan 29;19(3):1545. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19031545

Table 5.

The associations between potential predictors, measured at V1, VG or VP1, and postnatal depression, determined in univariate regression analyses. Only predictors that were significant at the 20% threshold in previous analyses are included.

Sessions Variables * Odds-Ratio IC 95 % p-Value
VI FMI_acceptance 0.9 0.66–0.93 0.003
FMI_total 0.90 0.80–0.99 0.025
TCI_ Self-Directedness 1.14 1.03–1.26 0.010
TCI_ Cooperativeness 1.13 0.97–1.35 0.120
POMS_tension_anxiety 1.11 1.00–1.25 0.050
POMS_ anger-hostility 1.11 0.98–1.28 0.110
POMS_ confusion-bewilderment 1.29 1.05–1.63 0.013
STAI-Trait 0.034
Very low
Low 4.52 1.25–21.76 0.033
Middle 8.87 1.80–54.92 0.011
High 6.33 0.21–194.45 0.232
WEMWBS 0.94 0.87–1.02 0.127
SCL_obsessive-compulsive, 4.21 1.75–11.93 0.001
SCL_ interpersonal sensitivity 2.57 1.03–7.34 0.042
SCL_depression 3.21 1.39–8.67 0.005
SCL_anxiety 2.32 1.00–6.20 0.050
SCL_hostility 3.28 1.13–11.11 0.028
SCL_Phobic anxiety 4.12 0.57–40.20 0.160
SCL_Paranoid ideation 2.71 0.76–10.86 0.124
SCL_Psychoticism 5.30 1.49–32.65 0.005
SCL_General Severity Index 6.38 1.76–31.34 0.003
SCL_Positive Symptom Total 1.04 1.01–1.08 0.012
SCL_, Positive Symptom Distress Index 0.72 0.52–0.93 0.012
MSPSS_Friends 0.70 0.41–1.16 0.165
MSPSS_total 0.61 0.32–1.11 0.104
QoL_ level of stress at work 1.16 1.01–1.38 0.038
Age 0.93 0.82–1.03 0.178
History of psychological care 0.006
Yes 4.06 1.50–11.62 0.006
Number of children 0.018
1 0.30 0.06–1.07 0.086
More than 2 6.44 0.87–131.50 0.108
VG ** POMS_tension_anxiety 1.41 1.15–1.79 <0.001
Prenatal Attachment Inventory 0.94 0.88–1.00 0.066
MSPSS_Friends 0.67 0.38–1.12 0.128
MSPSS_total 0.57 0.29–1.09 0.088
QoL_ quality of sleep 0.77 0.58–0.98 0.037
QoL_level of stress at work 1.25 1.02–1.56 0.029
QoL_level of stress at home 1.49 1.15–2.01 0.002
PND Risk Screening Questionnaire 0.175
Having no risk
Having a risk 3.47 0.57–23.78 0.180
VP1 Traumatic event scale 1 1.16 0.99–1.39 0.068
Traumatic event scale 2 1.31 1.12–1.62 <0.001
ITA_1 1.07 1.03–1.12 <0.001
ITA_2 1.09 1.03–1.18 0.003
Labour Agentry 0.90 0.84–0.95 <0.001
Peritraumatic Dissociative Experiences 0.001
Score < 22
Score ≥ 22 7.33 2.12–34.55 0.004

* FMI: Freiburg Mindfulness Inventory; TCI: Cloninger’s Temperament and Character Inventory; POMS: Profile of Mood Scale; STAI: State and Trait Anxiety Inventory; WEMWBS: Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale; SCL: Symptom Checklist; MPSS: Multidimensional Scale. — means that the modality in the row is the reference in the comparison with the other modalities of Perceived Social Support; QoL: Quality of Life; TES: traumatic event scale. ** VG was calculated as the average monthly scores.