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. 2022 Jan 26;19(3):1378. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19031378

Table 2.

PRIME Methods and Software.

Project 1 Method
Summary Reference
BKMR-CMA Bayesian Kernel Machine Regression-Causal Mediation Analysis Performs a causal mediation analysis when exposure within the mediation framework is a mixture. Estimates a multivariate exposure response surface in a model for the mediator given exposure, and another for the outcome given the mediator and the outcome, both using BKMR. [4]
BMIM Bayesian Multiple Index Model Unifies exposure index models with the response surface method BKMR, allowing a spectrum of intermediate models of multiple indices. Models non-linear, non-additive relationships between indices and an outcome. Special cases are a single exposure index and a response surface of all exposures. [5]
DAG analysis Use of causal methods for determining which exposures to include in a model Applies directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) to determine inclusion of exposure variables. In some circumstances, including an exposure variable can increase bias. Determines causal relationships between exposures (or groups of exposures) and a health outcome. [6]
Columbia BN2MF Bayesian Non-parametric non-negative Matrix Factorization Matrix factorization that provides non-negative (and more interpretable) solutions for factors and loadings and uncertainty estimates for the estimated parameters. Used for exposure pattern identification, similar to PCP. [7]
Columbia PCP Principal Component Pursuit Unsupervised robust exposure pattern identification. Decomposes exposure matrix into a low-rank matrix (consistent patterns) and a sparse matrix (unique exposure events). Robust exposure pattern identification. [8]
Duke BAG Bag of DAGs A computationally efficient method to construct a class of non-stationary spatiotemporal processes in point-referenced geostatistical models. Accounts for uncertainty in directions of association over space and time by considering a mixture of direct acyclic graphs (DAGs) [9]
Duke BMC Bayesian Matrix Completion for hypothesis testing Bayesian inference about chemical activity on mean and variance of dose-response measurements accounting for sparsity of data. Used to characterize chemical activity and its uncertainty. [10]
Duke BS3FA Bayesian partially supervised sparse and smooth factor analysis Bayesian inference on how chemical structure relates to variation in dose-response measurements. Addresses how to jointly model structural variability in molecular features of a chemical and its dose-response profile. [11]
Duke FIN Factor analysis for interactions Bayesian factor analysis for inference on interactions. Estimates interactions between highly correlated chemical exposures and effect on health outcomes. [12]
Duke GIF-SIS Generalized infinite factor model Shrinkage prior to the loadings matrix of infinite factor models that incorporate meta covariates to inform the sparsity structure and has desirable shrinkage properties. Addresses how to incorporate a priori known structure among variables when fitting a member of the broad class of factorization models. [13]
Duke GL-GPs Graph Laplacian based Gaussian Process Gaussian process model with a covariance function that respects the geometry of highly restricted or nonlinear domains. Develops a covariance function for nonparametric regression that respects the intrinsic geometry of the domain without sacrificing computational tractability. [14]
Duke GriPS Computational improvements for Bayesian multivariate regression models based on latent meshed gaussian processes Computational improvements for Bayesian multivariate regression models based on latent Meshed Gaussian Processes. Addresses how to efficiently solve the big-n problem for GPs when the number of outcomes is large. [15]
Duke MixSelect Identifying main effects and interactions among exposures using Gaussian processes Identifies main effects and interactions among exposures using Gaussian processes. Addresses how to model potentially non-linear effects and high-order interactions of chemical exposures on health outcomes. [16]
Duke MrGap Manifold Reconstruction via Gaussian Process Local covariance Gaussian process model for estimating a manifold in high dimensional space from noisy data. Conducts inference on a low-dimensional, nonlinear manifold in high dimensional space when data are subject to measurement error. [17]
Duke PFA Perturbed factor analysis Factor analysis that captures common structure among groups of related observations. Distinguishes shared and group-specific covariance structure and expresses shared structure via a set of shared factors. [18]
Duke MatchAlign Resolving rotational ambiguity in matrix sampling Efficiently resolving rotational ambiguity in Bayesian matrix sampling with matching. Does inference on unidentifiable random matrices. [19]
Duke SPAMTREE Spatial Multivariate Trees Bayesian multivariate regression methods for big data using sparse treed Gaussian processes. Jointly models several imbalanced variables flexibly and scalably via GPs [20]
ACR Acceptable Concentration Range model New class of nonlinear statistical models for human data that incorporates and evaluates regulatory guideline values into analyses of health effects of exposure to chemical mixtures. Allows for human data to suggest points of departure for comparison to in vivo estimates from single chemicals. [21]
Mult DLAG Multiple exposure distributed lag models with variable selection A method to identify the presence of time-dependent interactions (interactions among chemical exposures experienced during different exposure windows) in a critical windows analysis. Identifies critical windows of exposure to multiple chemicals, and whether exposures experienced at different developmental windows interact with one another on a health outcome. [22]
BKMR-DLM Bayesian Kernel Machine Regression-Distributed Lag Model Develops distributed lag models for assessing critical windows of exposure associated with a mixture. The model simultaneously estimates a time-weighted combination of each exposure and estimates a multivariate exposures-response surface of these time-weighted exposures using BKMR. [23]
CVEK Cross-validated kernel ensemble Performs tests of interaction between two sets of exposures (i.e., two mixtures) while placing minimal assumptions on the main effects of each mixture. Asks whether one mixture (e.g., a collection of nutrients) modifies the effect of another (e.g., a metal mixture) as a whole. [24]
Bayes Tree Pairs Bayesian Regression Tree Pairs Estimates critical windows of susceptibility to an environmental mixture. Uses an additive ensemble of tree pairs to estimate main effects and interactions between time-resolved predictors with variable selection. [25]
DLMtree Bayesian Treed Distributed Lab Models Distributed lag linear and non-linear models. Method to improve the precision of critical window identification compared to methods that use spline or penalized spline basis functions. Interest focuses on identifying critical windows of exposure using data on a single exposure measured over time. [26]
Het-DLM Heterogeneous distributed lag models Methods for precision children’s environmental health—that is, methods to identify subject characteristics (child sex, maternal age, etc.) that modify distributed lag effects of exposure. Addresses which subjects exhibit the strongest associations with an exposure measured over multiple developmental windows, and whether the critical windows of exposure vary among subgroups. [27]
LWQS Lagged Weighted Quantile Sum (WQS) regression Uses a reverse distributed lag model for assessing critical windows of exposure associated with a mixture when the exposure temporal pattern differs across subjects. Can also incorporate strata-specific associations. Useful for identifying time-varying associations of a mixture effect and later life health/developmental outcomes. [28]
NLinteraction Bayesian semiparametric regression with sparsity inducing priors Estimates effects of environmental mixtures to allow for interactions of any order. Provides variable importance measures for both main effects and interactions among exposures within a mixture, while making minimal assumptions on the forms of those effects. [29]
RH-WQS Repeated holdout Weighted Quantile Sum (WQS) regression Generalizes WQS regression to include repeated holdout random data splits. Estimates a mixture effect using an empirically estimated weighted index. [30]
SGP-MPI Scalable Gaussian Process regression via Median Posterior Inference Takes a split-and-conquer strategy to fitting BKMR to big data. Yields summaries of the multivariate exposure-response surface, as well as variable importance measures of each individual exposure. [31]
ND/Rice BDS Bayesian Data Synthesis A Bayesian framework used to simulate fully synthetic datasets of mixed data types. The dataset may be comprised of mixed categorical, binary, count, and continuous datatypes. Can handle missing data and has customized metrics for attributing risk disclosure and other privacy concerns. [32]
ND/Rice BSSVI Bayesian subset selection and variable importance for interpretable prediction and classification Used to collect and summarize all near-optimal subset models to provide a complete predictive picture. Useful in the presence of correlated covariates, weak signals, and/or small sample sizes, where different subsets may be indistinguishable in their predictive accuracy. [33]
ND/Rice BVSM Bayesian variable selection for understanding mixtures in environmental exposures Variable selection via sparse summaries of a linear regression model. Given a Bayesian regression model with social and environmental covariates, addresses which variables matter most for predicting educational outcomes. [34]
ND/Rice FOTP Fast, optimal, and targeted predictions using parameterized decision analysis Computes targeted summaries and prediction for specific decision tasks. Given a target (or functional) of interest and a Bayesian model, constructs accurate, simple, and efficient predictions of future values or functionals of future values. Model summaries can be customized for each functionality. [35]
ND/Rice SCC Spatiotemporal case-crossover Presents a strategy for the case-crossover study design in a spatial-temporal setting. Incorporates a temporal case-crossover and a geometrically aware spatial random effect based on the Hausdorff distance. [36]
ND/Rice SiBAR State Informed Background Removal Computational technique to quantify ‘background’ versus ‘source influenced’ contributions to air pollutant time series. Addresses whether a hidden Markov model can be used and what the ‘background’ levels of pollutants are measured across an urban area. [37]
UI Chicago MVNimpute Imputation of multivariate data by normal model Implements multiple imputation to the data when there are missing and/or censored values. [38]
UI Chicago SPORM Semi-Parametric Odds Ratio Model Flexible semiparametric model for estimating complex relationship among multiple variables. Associations are modeled by odds ratio functions. [14,39]
UI Chicago TEV Estimation and inference on the explained variation parameter Estimates the explained variation of an outcome by a set of mixture pollutants. [40,41]

1 Listed in alphabetical order, by institution. Project details available at NIH RePORTER:, accessed on 21 December 2021. Institutions: Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, University of Illinois Chicago, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, University of Notre Dame, Rice University, Boston University School of Public Health, Duke University.